
  • The Young Perish, and the Old Linger

    "It seemed to Thorin that everyone he loved would perish in dragon fire. But the cruelty of Time is nothing when compared to the cruelty of Hope." Thorin loses his only love in dragon fire and the ruins of a once-great kingdom. One-shot.

  • Mary Sues For Dummies (An Extensive Field Guide)

    Having accidentally released a horde of Mary Sues (and Gary Stus) into Middle Earth, Galadriel sets out with a band of odd companions to destroy the problem she created before it gets out of hand. Hint: it already did. Slash, Femslash, and humor as promised. Hilariously AU.

  • Of Hit Men, Cats, and Candy Thieves

    Tauriel and Eowyn in the NCIS universe; a thank you story of sorts for annafan, for her support throughout the process of scrapping together an insane parody. Tauriel comes home from the bullpen one evening to find a familiar face from Middle Earth looking to hire an assassin. Low T.

  • Through Time and Space

    Irina Spalko is captain of an infiltration unit in the Russian Army, in the final years of WWII. This is the tale of her struggles in the midst of machine warfare, and the slow path she treads to insanity through her driven hunger for knowledge and order in a world of illogic.

  • The Drums of Thunder Roll

    Hiccup hoped for a restful life after far too many close calls for one lifetime. But with a storm brewing in the distance, coming closer by the day, legends become real and old family wounds are reopened, as alliances must form for Berk to survive alongside its dragons. My vision of HTTYD2, now AU I guess.

  • Matchmaker, Matchmaker

    Tauriel joins the Fellowship as a matchmaking 10th Walker, determined to ship Aragorn and Legolas to avoid the love triangle Peter Jackson has planned for her. Along the way, she falls for the most unexpected of canon characters and pits herself against an evil Mary Sue. Slash, femslash, completely AU silliness. Low T for slight language and occasional innuendo. Now complete.

  • Brilliant

    Colonel Doctor Irina Spalko through the eyes of one of her soldiers. One-shot.

  • Pity the Living

    Effie Trinket goes through a lot when the Capitol take her prisoner. And when she's finally rescued, she's like a broken glass. Small and clear and shattered by force, but step on the wrong piece, and it will be embedded in you for a long time. (One-shot for now, rated for rather mild and completely justified bad language)