

  • turn, turn, turn

    "Jeff," Annie says, and she lays a hand on his arm, "what if I told you that we could go back? And that we can fix it—all of it?"

  • turn the world upside down

    Seven different scenarios, seven different ways things could have gone. And yet, always the same girl. Jeff/Annie.

  • all this time (i was waiting for you)

    Jeff/Annie drabbles & oneshots for the 30-Day Writing Challenge. / 01. Beginning / (He doesn't know why, but it feels significant. Almost like an ending.)

  • (i've been) waiting for a girl like you

    Jesse's always been a big believer of happy endings. Jesse/Beca drabble, because of reasons.

  • it happens like this

    Annie's right. It did take him long enough.