
  • Love Between Best Friends

    Sora and Matt are dating. Tai has loved Sora since they met, and is heartbroken whenever he sees or even hears them flirting with each other. Tai decides to leave and try to move on. However, something he thought would never happen actually happen. Who will stop him? What is this thing he thought would never happened actually did happen? Contains Taiora and Takari.

  • The Love Between Two Dragons

    Natsu and Wendy are the main characters. Lucy is kind of a villain but will be better in future chapters. Sorry Lucy Fans! Mainly Natsu X Wendy. Just my opinion that Natsu and Wendy should be together, not meaning any offence to NaLu lovers. Don't hate me please! This is my first fan fiction so it will probably have a few mistakes, but enjoy the story!