

  • Prince of Death

    At age thirteen, Sirius Orion Black was your average wizard in training. Sure, he came from a slightly darker family, but he had chosen to ignore that. In a whirlwind of events, Sirius finds himself, not only across the ocean, but living a life he never thought possible as the son of Thanatos. With his new title of Prince of Death, will Sirius still be able to live a normal life?

  • Professor Greenleaf

    Legolas should know by now not to listen to Gandalf. It always gets him into something dangerous. First he had to help with thirteen disgusting dwarves. Okay, that wasn't entirely Gandalf's fault, but Legolas likes to blame him. Next came the Fellowship of the Ring. Now, Legolas was off to *shudder* teach teenagers about defense.

  • Dear Sirius

    Sirius Black has just escaped from Azkaban. When he shows up on her front stoop, Leanna Black, his wife, invites him inside where he meets his two daughters for the first time. And what happens when aurors search Leanna's home to find a box of letters to her husband? Complete summary inside. Must read 'Love, Leanna' to understand this.

  • Love, Leanna

    A little over a week after her husband's arrest, Leanna Black gives birth to their daughter Cassiopeia. Leanna starts to write letters to her husband that she keeps with her photo album. The years of Sirius' imprisonment through his wife's eyes.

  • Halloween Party

    When Will decided to go to his school's Halloween party, Nico was very grumpy. But when they get home after Nico picked his boyfriend up? Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

  • Fight for Home

    Aphrodite Potter and her son James are magically transported to Arda when Aphrodite discovers her boyfriend Ron's betrayal. Ron, Molly, and Arthur follow them, trying to get them back. Ginny, George, Luna, and Hermione travel to Arda to warn Aphrodite. There's just one small problem. They've all landed in different places. Will they be able to find each other? Fem!Harry/Legolas