
  • Complexity of Love

    There are days when all I can do is sit by the window and let my attention drift along the shadows that cross the open courtyards and nights when my mind slows down to a hazy fog that envelope my senses and tell me all that I have seen are nothing but the dreams of an angst girl. /One-shot for now, may add more if my muse bites me again and/or ppl want more/

  • Of Magic & Madness

    little bit of this, little bit of that, possible stories to work on the future or put up for adoption

  • From the Ashes

    Teaser: It intrigued her, this new found strength and will she had and at the whispers of the fury inside her skin she decided to ignore the curiosity that burned nearly as bright.

  • Whispered Words

    A stolen moment in the life of one Fleur and her secret love affair with one chocolate eyed woman (one-shot)

  • Rabbit Holes

    "Curiouser and curiouser." Hermione grimaced at the irony that phrase represented and repeated her mental vow to never challenging Luna Lovegood ever again...on any subject.