
  • Lambs of War

    Oliver and Hugo met in a morose land but were lifted from damnation. Poland wasn't their prison anymore, Hogwarts was their home. A prophecy links them together and they perform one of the largest feats and conspiracies in both wizarding and muggle history. They changed the fate of the world forever. - C.R. Hockney

  • The Life of Lillian Black

    Lillian is Sirius Black's granddaughter, and is chosen in a dangerous prophecy. She and her friends, Albus Potter, Teddy Lupin, and Rose Weasly become the second generation of marauders at Hogwarts, after the original. Lillian risks her life to save the wizarding world. (Mad-Eye and Snape are alive.) Lots of credit given to Shadowcat300 on chickensmoothie for helping me with this.

  • Child of a Jedi

    Kaida Kenobi, daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi is brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained in the arts of the Jedi. Goes along with the Clone Wars cartoon and Star Wars movies by George Lucas.

  • The Story of Ezrin

    Ezylryb has come back from the St. Aggies canyons with an egg- one that he will claim his own. This owlet rises to extreme heights, and exceeds what was expected, and more. She becomes as famous and legendary as her father, and fights to the death. Will have blood gore, much violence, and owl-swearing. Owlets, beware battle scenes. Sorry about the late updates. Story is on pause.