
jeweled inferno

  • Unspeakably Secret

    The Time Turner from the Ministry came with strings attached. Unspeakable McGeoch asks Hermione Granger to get ahead in her subjects, aim for an apprenticeship two years earlier than average, and… learn French? Hermione's flourishing correspondence with her new mentor reveals one of the Department of Mystery's more drastic long-term plans, and her place in it.

  • Imperio

    Loose sequel to Crucio; you don't need to read that to understand context. / Hermione smiled and nodded along and down in her subconscious she screamed. References to SS/HG, questionable consent RW/HG. Nothing explicit.

  • Crucio

    He stumbled through the door to see that the candle was lit and she was still sitting on his sofa, working. She'd waited... 'No, of course she hadn't waited. Not for YOU. No one would wait for YOU.' SS/HG