Laura 001

  • Newborns and interfering in-laws

    Hermione and Draco have a gorgeous little baby, but Narcissa won't leave them alone.

  • Stood up

    When Ron stands up his girlfriend on a date, she is thrown into the company of her charming and determined co-worker, Draco Malfoy. Hermione/Ron start. Draco/Hermione HEA. OOC.

  • Clouded sentiments

    Pansy and her gang come across a dreamy Luna sitting in the Hogwart's library. What will Luna do when the talons come out? AU.

  • A just reason

    Set in Draco's sixth year. What if there was another reason behind Draco's swearing loyalty to Voldemort? A small but very good reason. Would anything change? One-shot, AU, OOC, Draco-centric.

  • Chocolate and flowers can't fix this

    Ron and Hermione are dating. But an rather unpleasant surprise awaits Hermione in the Gryffindor common room and everyone knew! What will she do when she comes across Draco? AU, OOC

  • The marriage contract

    Astoria and Draco are betrothed, but Astoria wants out and she is a Slytherin who will use any means to reach her goal. Since Draco is dating Pansy, who Astoria is upset with, it seems an ideal revenge... but things don't always go the way you plan. Please review!

  • Wildflowers

    Ron is trying to find the right flowers to apologise to his fiance, Hermione.

  • Master Thief

    Ginny Weasley had a secret; and that was a novelty in her family. Being the youngest and the only girl, meant it was hard for her to do things without her family noticing. But she succeeded with this, and that thrilled her almost as much as the actual secret. She was a thief.

  • The Annual Malfoy Christmas Eve Ball

    The Malfoy's have an annual ball on Christmas Eve. Narcissa has discovered that her daughter-in-law, Hermione, has done something that will ruin the ball and is now on the warpath.

  • Christmas presents

    Hermione has bought her husband, Draco, a saucy present for Christmas. What happens when he finds out before Christmas?

  • Everyone deserves some compassion

    Draco's has had a tough few months since returning to Hogwarts after the war; his friends having either turned their back to save themselves or not returned for their final year. The ever observant Hermione notices his solitude and, with Christmas around the corner, decides he needs some compassion.

  • The outcomes of enchanted mistletoe

    Someone has placed enchanted mistletoe around Hogwarts. Who will get caught underneath? Christmas fluff for you all.

  • The dangers of presumption

    After Ginny's sort-of boyfriend left to travel with Ron and Hermione, Ginny set about creating a life for herself. A life with a certain Malfoy. What will happen when the trio return and stumble upon her? And what is Harry's presumption?

  • Respect and impertinence

    Ginny is attacked. Harry reacts unexpectedly. And Ginny won't stand for either. Who will support Ginny through it all? Warnings: please note these listed at the start of the story.

  • I won't

    Draco and Hermione have been secretly dating for five months because Hermione is scared of her friends' reactions. Will Draco stay with Hermione or find someone else? Draco/Luna HEA.

  • For the best

    Prequel to Surprise - as requested by my awesome reviewers. The war has ended and it's time for Hermione to set out to live the life she deserves, unshackled by Ron. Happy reading and please review!

  • An unimagined reunion

    After the war, Harry and Ron went travelling while Ron's girlfriend, Hermione, returned to school. They, as typical in world travels, soon lost track of time and Hermione's life continued without them. Married to the love of her life, Draco, what will happen when they unexpectedly cross paths once again?

  • Recordings and revolutions

    What if, after the battle of Hogwarts, the Minister position had been filled by part-Goblin Filius Flitwick - Filius the Freer, as the Goblins termed him. A look at how this may have changed the post-war world.

  • The Folanti's work

    Written for the Hogwarts Houses Challenges: The Wonderful World of Magical Creatures: round two. A story about a new magical creature and how they helped the Wizarding world to forgive.

  • A reluctant return

    It is four years after the war and a married Hermione and Draco are forced to return to England from their home in France. How will everyone react when they see the two? Will friendships survive, strengthen, or will they be torn asunder?