
  • The Fourth's Legacy

    When the Fourth Hokage sacrificed himself to protect the village from the nine-tailed fox, he left behind a son, Naruto. What if he had also left behind a daughter? This is the story of Haruna Namikaze, revered by many in the village as the Fourth's legacy. Told mostly in Haruna's POV. Pairings: Eventual Sasuke/Haruna. Hinted Gaara/OC and NaruHina. Slightly AU.

  • Our Pasts

    A person's past can be many things. For some, it can be rather painful. Two years before the fateful Reaper's Game to decide Shibuya's fate, a group of unlikely friends bond over one person's past. Rated T for later chapters. My version of Joshua's past! Pairing: eventual JoshuaxOC (no gay pairings!)