Breathing in Poison

  • As Black As Hope

    His eyes were a green as bright as emeralds or grey as the fabled sea. In bright morning light, they shone bright, like the gaze of a wildcat, but during the deepest, darkest hour of the night, they were dull, as black as hope. Eren Yeager was many things, but to Armin, he was the only one who would ever truly listen.

  • Wish Upon a Falling Star

    Mental Hospital AU- "I always knew I was different. That no one would accept me. That I was a monster. That the world is better off without me, the ice freak. The problem is, I'm too afraid to die. So I did the next best thing. I admitted myself to an insane asylum." Sisterly! Elsa/Anna relationship. Trigger Warnings.

  • The Dragon Queen

    Dragon!Elsa. After the death of her parents, Elsa ran off into the mountains, leaving Anna as heir...with no memories of her sister's existence. Once the council announces her as queen, as well as announcing Elsa's blood ties, Anna goes off to search for her...despite the stories of a monstrous beast haunting the wilds. Mostly action. WARNING: Violence, blood, death.

  • Toddlers and Axes and Vikings, Oh My!

    Stoic was enlisted by Hiccup and Astrid to watch their four-year-old daughter, Nola. When he learns that his granddaughter can throw an axe and ride a dragon, he starts to wonder why he agreed in the first place. Cute family one-shot. My first story in this category. Flames will be used to bake cookies.

  • Behind Closed Doors

    To Elsa, losing her parents was the loss of her mentors, her friends, her protectors. For Anna, it meant losing the only family she had left. Tragic little one-shot with no happy endings in sight, written at three in the morning.

  • A Guide to Bayer Sayings

    WARNING:NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. A guide to the way a Bayer talks/behaves, because NOBADY seems to understand them. I'm talkin' to you, Han Alister :) (I'll add more when I re-read the series, 'cause now I only have my unreliable memories and the last book)

  • The Snow Queen

    Sort of a Frozen/Snow Queen Crossover. When Elsa learns that her ancestor was the Snow Queen of legends, she's more than a little apprehensive. After all, The Queen was a horrible monster who kidnapped children and killed hundreds of people-at least, according to the stories. When a troll elder tells Elsa the true tale, she's determined to right old wrongs-or else.

  • Arrows Are Always Faster Than Jinxes

    "She was my friend, my family, my only sister. She was the only one that I could really trust, all my life. And now she is gone." Concerning the death of Fiona Bayer :'(

  • 10 Ways To Annoy Nico di Angelo


  • Apartment Complex G8

    Okay. You know that one place, right? That one house full of hectic collage teenager-renters? Yeah. Take that, then magnify it into a three-story apartment complex chock-full of crazy collage students, the majority of them men, and all of them very, very gay. ...Welcome to the club.

  • All It Took Was A Spark

    Canada and the rest of the countries are shapeshifters, meaning they can pretty much turn into any damn thing they wish- dragon is usually a preferred form amongst them. Their ability to change into fire-breathing lizards usually keeps crime and other stuff down, so life is relatively peaceful at the moment. Until a rogue shifter shows up threatening to take over the world. Yay.

  • Follow My Lead

    Mikannie Werefolf!AU: Annie always thought she was destined to be a lone wolf, just like her father. But one day, she goes into heat, exposing her as an omega, and is forced to flee her pack to wander the wilds alone-where she meets the strangely empty Alpha, Mikasa. Based on FearTheKeira's story, Chase The Moon, expect fighting, intense plot, and severe character conflict

  • There's Beauty And There's Danger Here

    A collection of Frozen poems, mostly Helsa with Kristanna mixed in. Enjoy, and beware their frozen hearts.

  • Frozen Randomness, One-Shots, and Letters (Oh, My)

    In which the members of Frozen write letters to FanFiction, share one-shots, and sometimes act off their rocker. "Elsa?" "Yes, Anna?" Does your sudden need for a statue garden have anything to do with the sudden lack of crime in Arendelle? "..." "I don't think I want to know."

  • Frostskader

    Elsa recoiled against the wall. Frost swirled from where she touched it, painting nightmare images on the stone. She stared at me, breathing ragged, eyes two swirling pools of deep glacier blue. "I am not afraid of you," she whispered, voice shaking. I locked eyes with her."Do you really think I'm going to believe that, Elsa?"

  • The Heart of a Demon

    SLIGHT AU. "The heart of a demon holds no place for mercy," whispers Ansa. "No place for grief, for love, for guilt. No place for empathy. Only bloodlust." But if that is so, she thought, "Then why do I feel so terrible as this monster, this hapless Night Fury, wails its pain to the empty night sky?"

  • Do You Wanna Catch A Snowbird?

    During the Snow Golem Wars, hope was something that only survived on the wings of a snowbird. To Elsa, the birds were more than just hope-they were a symbol of a life that was maybe worth living. But when a snowbird summoning ends in disaster and leaves Anna gravely injured, Elsa must try to control her powers-and the hauntingly beautiful ice phoenixes that come with it.

  • Blood on the Rose Petals

    Fiona Bayer was a master of concealing her emotions, at pushing them down into a tiny bundle in her ice-bound heart so she could view the world with a cold, calculating detachment. But sometimes, those emotions rose up within her, threatened to suffocate her. Especially when they concerned Han Alister. WARNING: Possible triggers for self-harm.

  • By the Sea, From the Sea, To the Sea

    All Riptide wanted to do was visit the ocean one last time before lapsing into total banishment. But his glum thoughts and depressing plans were washed from his head when a certain bright-eyed SeaWing rammed into him...

  • I Most Definitely Do Not Need a Bodyguard, But I Might Need You

    A fun little Glorybringer one-shot: Glory is sick and tired of Deathbringer following her around all the time, so she decides to prove that she doesn't need a bodyguard. Deathbringer, however, has other plans...