The Dreamers Quill

  • The Prime Minister's Boy

    Dumbledore crossed the line. Furious about Harry being left with the Dursleys, Death herself steps in and proposes a plan to have him raised in the Marauders' era. However, her sister Fate has her own plan up her sleeve, and nothing will stop her from seeing it happen. After all, a Harry raised by Winston Churchill will certainly be more prepared to fight the Dark Lord... right?

  • Lincoln's Last Hope: The Curtain Rises

    After a particularly bad incident with the Dursleys, 4-year-old Harrison James Potter wishes for a new life, for freedom from the prison of the Cupboard Under the Stairs. Little does he know, this wish will result in him being raised by one of the greatest Presidents the United States has ever known: Abraham Lincoln himself. (Feat. Evil Dumbledore, Time Travel, Weasley bash, etc.)