

  • Not good enough

    When Greg's nightmares about his beating return, he feels too ashamed to talk to anyone about it, especially Morgan. In his eyes she is the bravest person he knows and compared to her, he just feels like he's not good enough. Does Morgan feel that way as well or does she see it differently?

  • A new roommate

    When Morgan has a problem at her own apartment and her rental apartment doesn't work out, Greg offers that she can stay at his place for a while. What will happen now that they're not only working together but living together as well?

  • A Valentine's Day push

    While Sara hints the possibility of Nick and Finn liking each other, Nick decides it's time to give Greg and Morgan a little push, the day before Valentine's. He comes up with a plan where he will ask Greg along on a double date and Sara will ask Morgan. But when Sara says 'no', he has to ask Finn for his plan to work. Will it get Morgan and Greg together? Or maybe him and Finn...?

  • A stranger on a flight

    When Greg is flying back to Las Vegas after having spent some time with his parents in San Gabriel, he believes it's his lucky day: for over an hour he'll get to sit next to the most beautiful woman he has ever met. At that time he doesn't know yet that he's going to get to know the woman very well soon as she's none other than Morgan Brody...

  • Florida family fun

    When Greg's parents wanna celebrate their anniversary in Florida with their entire family, Greg asks Morgan to come with him as a friend, just so he won't have to face his cousins alone. It doesn't take Morgan very long to find out he wants her to be more than a friend, but will they ever get a chance to tell each other with his family around?

  • A wish upon a star

    When Morgan tells Finn she doesn't like Valentine's Day, Greg is suddenly very quiet and pale. Only a few moments later, Morgan sees him receive a huge bouquet of red roses from a girl she doesn't know with a card attached to it that reads 'Will you be my Valentine' Does Greg have a girlfriend or is something else going on?

  • Taking a friend out for a beer

    Story inspired by a Twitter-friend, spoilers for 15x08. After updating his status, Tom, a friend of Greg, is quite curious about who he is taking out for a beer at 6 AM in the morning. Can his involvement lead to Greg and Morgan being more than just friends?

  • My hero

    Based on episode 15x15 - spoiler warning! In the episode we never saw Morgan thanking Greg for showing up in the alley with his gun, but of course she did thank him! After shift she invites him out for a drink, during which she lets him know he's her hero now and that there's a certain way superhero stories always end...

  • Stay the night

    Based on episode 15x13, but no real spoilers. The whole situation with Russell's daughter Maya causes Morgan to dream about her kidnapping again. Apart from forgetting all about it there's actually only one thing she wants: for someone to stay the night with her. A certain someone, to be exact...

  • A merry little Christmas

    On Christmas Eve Morgan and Greg receive some bad news: instead of being able to spend Christmas together for the very first time as a couple Greg needs to fly out to Denver immediately to help PD on a case there. Can it still be a merry Christmas for them?

  • Fighting for your love

    Takes place exactly after the last scene of 15x10 Dead rails (minor spoiler?). After seeing Morgan and Hodges playing pool together, Greg draws the wrong conclusion about the two of them. In his anger about it he argues with Morgan which ends in both of them walking away. Will things ever be okay between them again?

  • A study in London

    (Title based on the Sherlock Holmes story A study in scarlet). After talking to Greg about visiting London, Morgan receives a mysterious letter telling her to pack a suitcase and go to the airport the next morning. There she finds out someone has booked a trip to London for her... and Greg as well. Who is that someone? And what will happen once they're in London together?

  • Be strong

    Based on the episode Bad Blood (15x03), may contain some spoilers. After hearing what has happened at the crime scene, Conrad knows he has to face the most difficult thing he'll ever have to do: tell his daughter the guy she cares so much about might be sick. How can he help her get through it, knowing she might not get the chance to tell him how she feels?

  • Taking a bite

    Morgan invites Greg to go to a Halloween Party with her. Things are all good and fun until a guy dressed up as a vampire starts causing trouble...

  • Sealed with a kiss

    Based on S15 E03, so may contain spoilers. While Sara and Greg are in quarantine, Finn calls Morgan to see how she is dealing with the whole situation. Brave as ever Morgan tries not to think about all the horrible possibilities, but there's one thought that won't leave her mind: will she and Greg ever get the chance to be together?

  • Facing a fear

    Cute little one shot where Morgan is afraid of spiders. Greg kills one for her in the breakroom, but when another one turns up in the crime lab later that shift Morgan has to face her fear...

  • Secrets and lies?

    When Morgan is talking to a victim at her crime scene, he recognizes her... as Greg's girlfriend. Since she and Greg aren't dating, she's determined to find out why Greg told her victim she is his girlfriend. Will talking to him maybe help his lie turn into the truth?

  • I do - I really do

    When five weddings have been interrupted at a local wedding chapel and Morgan and Greg manage to figure out how the victims are being selected, Morgan suggests setting a trap for them: a fake wedding... Hers and Greg's to be more specific...

  • City of deadly romance

    Conrad Ecklie is being offered a free trip to Paris, but since he can't make it, he allows Morgan to go instead. As the trip is for two, she asks Greg to go with her, hoping something will finally happen between them. Is the trip really going to be as romantic as she hopes it will be or is there a reason why Conrad was offered the trip to Paris?

  • Happy birthday to you, Greg!

    On the day of his birthday Morgan seems unsually nervous, Greg notices during his little birthday party in the breakroom and when they're driving to their crime scene. When she asks him out for drinks after shift he thinks that might be the reason why she's nervous, but she still doesn't relax. Could there be another reason why she's so nervous?