
  • Ashes to Dust

    After a flashback of angsty nostalgia and painfully happy flashbacks, Ivan is replaced by Nikolai; his second player counterpart with much more drive and much less friendly childishness than Ivan, but shares his goals of the world becoming one with Mother Russia. Russian in cover image reads "мир будет моим" or "The world will be mine".

  • Gilbert's Diary

    Collection of drabbles and stories centred mostly around the second player characters. Rated T for expletives, horror and sex references. Warnings for gore, horror, body horror. Further individual warnings at the beginning of chapters.

  • Twister

    The residents of floor Alternia play a peasant-y game. Human!school!au

  • To see you happy

    The walk to the park takes a long time. But Akane doesn't mind; she doesn't think she's ever seen Shūsei happier.

  • Behind my mask

    Ivan is the great superhero General Zima; respected, idolized, feared... and completely head-over-heels for a certain Canadian shape-shifter. But with Hero's questionable stalk-and-tell habits, Laurd and Green-ouille's hatred for each other, and Ghost's secret-extracting stare, will Zima and Maple ever meet face to face? T for swearing, also with human (and cheesy hero) names.