

  • Stand And Delivered

    an evening of dancing in a gay bar, and a very odd encounter the day after, leave Pansy confused. but not as much as Ginny is... Pansy/Ginny pairing, mentions of Ron/Harry and Draco/? {no idea where this is going, feeling like i want to explore this for a bit}

  • The Rule Of Three

    With the Trio split up, living lives of responsible, mundane adulthood, they all wonder why they had to. For different reasons, and Ron realising it may not be just Hermione that he fancies. Harry's life had never been conventional to start with, so why carry it on now? Ron/Harry pairing, Hermione/Ron & Harry/Ginny origins, nothing kinky...

  • Hogsmeade Days

    an alternative epilogue. What if the main characters had taken different turns, chose different people, had different desires than the ones we were presented with...? how would their Nineteen Years Later be then? gay-themed

  • Autumn, and everything after

    Ron Weasley, and a day in his life with Draco Malfoy. {est. couple, follows on from Be Careful What You Wish For}

  • be careful what you wish for

    Asked to visit a Healer specialized in psychology by his friend Pansy, Draco Malfoy hopes to put a few demons to rest. Then he encounters one from his more recent past, leaving him quite unsettled. Ron Weasley needs to accept an uncomfortable truth about his present, but is he ready to do so?

  • To Have And To Hold

    The tenth anniversary of their relationship is on its way, and Ron is not ready for something Draco has in store. Has he misread the signs? follow up to Bring On The Dancing Angels {liberties taken with the HP canon, thought trying to be mostly true}

  • Bring On The Dancing Angels

    Draco attends the wedding of Potter and Ginny Weasley, and figures out a few things while there. Just as his life is back on the rails, new information on an old classmate is set to confuse him. {this is a re-write of All The Angels, as i wanted to see where another pairing would go...}

  • a welsh triad - or: when three worlds collide

    Draco Malfoy is busy doing his work as a Healer; Mycroft Holmes desperately needs a break from a demanding job, and Ianto Jones can't stop thinking of certain people. and never the trey shall meet... but wait, this is fiction, and what would happen if they were suddenly stuck in a world together...? crossover between Harry Potter/Torchwood/Sherlock. mild naughtiness and swearing

  • London can be such a lonely place

    Seven years after the war, Draco lives in Muggle London, and he wants to finally move on, but there's one last issue he needs to face...

  • mother of the grooms

    Narcissa Malfoy thinks back on a wonderful day, on which her son ties the knot to the love of his life.

  • all the angels in heaven

    Draco is invited to the Wedding of the Century and learns about one of the guests' intriguing secret. it's the start of a beautiful friendship, which is tested when a mysterious spell is cast... {rated M to be on the safe side...}

  • in the realm of goldfish

    in a world where most people resemble goldfish, Mycroft is trying his best to live his life... and then Anthea points something out to him...

  • Thinking about Happy Ever Afters

    {first ever fan-fic, not too sure about this...} In which Harry comes to terms with the depth of his feelings for another boy, and Draco figures out what he really wants out of life. For now...