

  • Not the talking box

    AU: After the war, Hermione decided to take some history classes at Durham University. What she didn't know was that the housing coordinator at the Ministry's new Muggle Cultural Immersion Program put Fleur Delacour in the same apartment building! Adventures in muggle-dom and an unexpected mystery ensues. Fleurmione.

  • In Prophecy and War

    AU: Sybill Trelawney predicted Hermione's necessary role in the coming war against Voldemort when Hermione was 10 years old. So when her parents died under mysterious circumstances shortly after her prophecy, Dumbledore sends Hermione to France to live in the protection of the Delacour family. Fleurmione strikes again!...eventually.

  • Magic, Pride, and Prejudice

    Even after a star burns out, you can still see it's light. Fleur's love for me was like a star in the night sky: beautiful and gone. Thinking of her, my mind can't help but travel back in time as I hope against the odds that her light may find its way back to me...or basically AU/OOC Fleurmione meets Pride and Prejudice.

  • The Contract

    Muggle AU: What happens when the British Library's top investigative conservationist is forced to work for the Delacour Foundation? Art! Fleurmione!

  • Love Over Time

    Fleur, 86 years old, recalls her and Hermione's love story. Those who fear weak plots and first person narratives playfully inserted at random: beware! This here rambling fanfic is for love and for fun. Fleurmione.

  • Unexpected Divination

    Fleur visits a psychic and ends up on an unexpected journey from depression into love. Do expect meddling co-workers, wise witches, crystals, Unspeakables, and elevator rides. Fleurmione.

  • The Artist and her Muse

    AU: Hermione trained as a painter to help heal from the war. She is now a reluctantly successful artist who faces some unexpected changes when she is reunited with Fleur. Holy hell, how did I slip into this ship! Fleurmione.