
  • The Trouble With Children

    She wasn't really cut out to be a mother. She didn't have any maternal instincts to speak of; when other little girls had been playing with dolls, she'd scoffed at the very idea. She'd never wanted children. And yet, here she was.

  • Horned Toad

    Sometimes, the most mundane things can have the worst consequences. If she'd been on time to that potions class, maybe it wouldn't have happened. Or maybe it would. She'd never know.

  • Leading and Missed Steps

    "Why are you leading?" "Well, somebody has to take that step," Takes place during the Yule Ball, 1994.

  • His Heart

    He could just go up to him; make him at least acknowledge what they had. But James had given his heart to her.

  • Falling

    He let out a sigh of relief. He knew he should be worrying about himself right now – Tonks was more than capable – but it was a lot easier when he knew she was- Falling. She's falling. And he was falling right along with her.

  • Reaching

    No matter what she was reaching for, Lily always did better.

  • The Charade Continued

    He would not live to see the end of this - that much was certain - but he would keep the illusion alive.

  • Alone

    He would do this alone. Like always; Alone.

  • Past Present and Future

    "Whatever you do, do not let your past self see you." She'd only ever violated that rule once, though she wished she hadn't.

  • She Couldn't Help It

    She ignored it as best she could; these almost-feelings for a man who was so far beneath her it was laughable.

  • Quicksand

    She could feel it dragging her under; this despair; this overwhelming sense of loss. She tried to ignore it, but still... She could feel it dragging her under like quicksand.

  • Nothing Else Matters

    It hadn't been easy, reaching this point. They'd both made a lot of mistakes along the way – him more than her – but they had finally made it. They were finally here.

  • Imagined Reality

    He would do it. He would go up to the older boy and… tell him. Simple plans always worked best, right? Less could go wrong. Hopefully.

  • Wing'd Cupid Painted Blind

    [1] FD/NT - They stood, facing each other; an old woman and a young girl. Her past and her present. [2]NT/MB - She could be happy with her life, and not play the role of grieving widow. She was free to be whoever she wanted to be. [3]Millicent/Susan - Could she force that onto someone unknowing? At best, the child would hate her. At worst, it would become her.

  • Taking Precautions

    Charlie came home from work late the next day, completely exhausted and wanting to shower and then head straight to bed. Unfortunately, he had other things he needed to deal with.

  • Keeping Her

    He knew, of course he knew, that it wasn't healthy. But that was not something he was ready to admit to himself just yet.

  • Impossible Calm

    He was the child she had always dreamed of, and Regulus simply was not.

  • For This

    But, ultimately, it had been worth it. He got exactly what he wanted, kneeling at his Lord's feet, arm searing, and a sea of masked faces surrounding him.

  • Long Night

    Severus frowned, as though Regulus was the one behaving oddly. This was going to be a long night.

  • Bastion

    "Orla, wait." Stewart tugged her hand gently, turning her to face him.