

  • Defining Factors

    You feel something deep in your stomach again, and a thought creeps into your mind so powerful you have to lean against the wall for support. 'I'm falling in love with Dean Winchester.' Dean x reader, based off prompt, ***SH TRIGGER WARNING***

  • Daddy's Little Demon

    Imagine being friends with the Winchesters, but also being Crowley's daughter, and him not wanting you to hang with them. Winchesters/Crowley x Female Reader

  • Fix You

    "Follow your heart, Francis," she whispers. The sound of his name on her lips sends shivers down his spine, "Follow it back to me." Post finale fic.

  • I'll Be Seeing You

    "They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes. My life flashed in words written on crumpled pieces of paper in a godforsaken wasteland." Dean x reader WWII fic