Traitor of All Traitors

  • A New Cause: The Rights of All Life

    Pro-life and pro-choice. One belief is that all life is sacred from the moment of conception, and the other belief is that we have the right to end that life before it can come to fruition. But what does Shinji Ikari/Death, the Endgame have to say about it when it comes into question one day, and why does he believe the way he believes? My response to Roe v. Wade being threatened.

  • A Decline in the Warrior Unit

    What if Marley had a slight issue for a time? What if Eldians in the internment zones were informed by a stranger that making their children inherit one of the seven Titans possessed by the nation was a death sentence because they wouldn't live a long life? What if this was meant to buy time to change what was happening on Paradis Island? Uncertain on what comes next.

  • The Silent Corps

    Inspired by Lost in a Cruel World, this idea goes further because of the many possibilities that can befall the world when just one thing changes that changes everything else. The Survey Corps, due to insufficient results and having a loss of manpower, is disbanded to appease the public. But unofficially, they are still active, but bound to a new course when the world is asleep.

  • Both Must Fall

    It might be a planet dominated by monsters now, a city born from the carcass of a mechanical titan might've failed to take out the darkest of masters, but it's still a world of humanity. There is still a strength in human beings that one understands cannot be measured or underestimated. He will gather the fallen and protect those that remain from having their world eaten away.

  • Talismans

    Second Impact caused widespread death and destruction, but what if it also allowed for doorways unknown to the human race to be opened and unleash beings and other supernatural forces upon the planet that affect things in ways that were never anticipated? Enter Shinji Ikari, a loner who can't fit in a society that seems to rule by resentment, who only seeks to get away from others.

  • I Dream of Evangelion

    Before he receives the letter that instructs him to go to Tokyo-3 to meet his father, young Shinji wished for someone to care about him and be kind to him. On that day, the wish was granted…and he encountered her. When she came with him, she brought a dark secret with her, one that was able to be either a blessing…or a curse, and her curse became her advantage.

  • Immortal Ikari

    Suppose that Shinji was in an incident long before he was sent for by his father to come to Tokyo-3? Suppose the incident left him scarred in more ways than one can imagine? Suppose that he became a new participant in an ancient struggle between light and darkness where a mysterious prize was at stake along with the world itself. In the end, there can be only one!

  • Vengeance of the Seven

    Sometimes, the best way to ensure a real future free of hurt, you have to turn to different parts of the ancient past. Sometimes, the only way to get revenge on those that hurt you without even laying a finger on you…is to unleash your darkest desires that you keep locked away. If you could unleash every dark aspect of your soul to do good, would you do it? Read and review. Please!

  • Modern Day Legend of a Rage-filled Anchor

    When Shinji lost consciousness within the Dirac Sea, he was taken to a different Japan in a different universe. One where he is a legend of rage, and the only known male of any family with celestial blood with power like those demonstrated by women like Aya or Chidori. When the Mikage family discovers this, Shinji is left with two options: Help Aya and her friends or betray them.

  • Evangelion Malevolence

    Before the end of the world, a judgment was meant to take place. For fifteen years, it was delayed. But now it can no longer be avoided. Buildings will fall, people will be slaughtered, and he will let nothing stand in his way.

  • Welcome to the Family

    Inspired by two images from DeviantArt, the alien possessing Patrick Ross begins to use him begin its goal of eliminating the human race by starting a family through two women, with fatal results!

  • Victory, Failure, Acceptance

    In the time after the victory against Marley and their acceptance of defeat, life on Paradis has gotten to the point where people are able to live without conflict. But for Eren Yeager, this measure of peace is not to his liking as he feels it can't last forever. When it reaches a point where one of the Eldian rulers has to intervene, Eren will have to accept what is and won't be.

  • Treasured Memories

    Set after the end of the first season, Fena is set on another adventure towards a treasure that is worth going after: Her memories! What lies up ahead of her? And who is holding this desired treasure?

  • Even the Crystal Gems need help every now and then

    Alternate take on "Cheeseburger Backpack". Even the guardians of humanity need a helping hand from an unseen force.

  • The Healing Return

    Brother Correction returns to return to the Crystal Gems what they long to see restored to them, and Steven will be surprised by this.

  • Vigilantes of Evangelion

    There is light in the darkness, hope at the end of life, a future in one's demise. Shinji, done with Eva after the death of Toji, is assassinated by Gendo's lackeys and sent to Hell…only to be brought back at the cost of his soul, which he has the hope of getting back.

  • Salvation for the Deserving

    After trying to complete several stories started long ago, another is brought to light, but must be finished. Hope comes to those that desire it, and justice to those in need of it. Let the power to hope be your wings…and let your courage be your sword and shield.

  • Sterility in Space

    What if what befell the trio before they returned to Earth after their trip to Mars never occurred? What if someone, who always has people's best interests in heart, saved them before they were infected by taking the alien DNA?

  • Different from You

    We all know that Shinji and Gendo are like water and oil, light and dark, kind and cruel, right? So what would happen if Shinji had a situation that made him more different from Gendo than anticipated? What if Shinji had a responsibility that he viewed with more acceptance than Eva and the war against the Angels? Read at your own volition and review with honesty.

  • Live like the Wind

    To live like the wind is to be free, and for Kagura, that freedom was, while sought after, short-lived. To live is to be free, and to be free is to live like people.