Traitor of All Traitors

  • Grimoire of Evangelion

    Five years before the rise of the first Wizard King, there existed a royal family of the most unlikely sort. A family of nobles that believed all were capable of greatness, no matter who they were. They were hunted down and driven away from the kingdom, forced to await the day when they could return. That day...is now. The noble House of Ikari...rises once more.

  • Pumpkinhead: The Redemption

    Remember the legend of Pumpkinhead? How people say that one man was the one that started it all with his desire for revenge for the death of his only son? But suppose that his eternal damnation was undone by one that believed in redemption from the darkness and spoke for the dead to the living and the damned? Read if you have no problem with hypocrisy and the like.

  • The Paradigm of Tokyo

    The day Second Impact happened was a day that nobody ever expected to happen…and nobody would ever recall happening. For fifteen years, the world was in a virtual standstill, with most cities surrounded by large domes of glass and steel. But who built the domes? Why did everyone lose their memories? And why, in Tokyo, Japan, has a young man been chosen by a mysterious giant?

  • My Hero, Shinji Ikari

    My first attempt at this crossover, so endure its potential might. First he dreamt of a little girl suffering at the hands of a man full of hate, and then he is told that the girl is someone that needs a hero, and he can be the hero she needs. Shinji ends up being taken from the life he was forced into by his father and put into a life where he needs to stand up for those in need.

  • Shinji in Dream Land

    Suppose that shortly after being abandoned, Shinji was taken to a place beyond the known cosmos and lived a relatively peaceful life? Suppose that, years later, he returns to where he was abandoned, unchanged, and throws a wrench in his father's plans? Suppose his hero…was the jolliest person any of us would ever know? Small, pink and with a big appetite. Rating may change.

  • Attack on Titan: Mortal Kombat

    In the past, a threat greater than what was believed to be by any one nation came into play. To ensure a future, the masters of the past resolved to set aside old grudges in favor of protecting the people. Only a handful were chosen to defend the lives of countless innocents, but could only do so once every generation in a special trial by fire. Now it begins again.

  • Redemption or Retribution

    In the aftermath of the slaughter committed in Liberio, a stranger sets out to fix the atrocity that was unleashed upon the victims. He faces the people that have suffered and will suffer unless there is a solution to be met that benefits all. But the one that holds everyone's fate in the balance is among the most uncooperative of souls he has ever encountered with his rage.

  • You'd be proud of her if you gave her a chance

    Part of Hope from the Sky, courtesy of an inspiring chapter of Founding Titan Past and Future by Jerry236. Alma, the mother of Historia, gets a visit from someone that wants her to know that her daughter is a good person and has a great life. Despite never having any kind words to say to Historia, Alma can't deny that her child is the only good thing she ever did with her life.

  • It's a whole new world you live in

    Another crossover of originality. Suppose that Shinji wakes up in an open field and finds an injured animal, the likes of which he has never seen anywhere before, and takes it to get help? Then our most familiar know-it-all has him go on an errand that allows him to experience more of the new world. Suppose Shinji…became a Pokémon Trainer. Read, review, and tell me what you think.

  • Welcome to your Escape

    He doesn't want to see his father, and he doesn't want to be in Japan. He just wants to be somewhere else for a while and fit in with people that want him. On the day he's supposed to meet his father, Shinji Ikari gets a different offer that allows him to do just that. Enter the world of Zi, home to the Zoids, and waiting for him is one that will bring out his chance to defy all.

  • The Pale One

    In the past, due to the power of the Titans, most of the world was maimed by Eldia. In the present, it is now Marley that follows this path of death and destruction, using the power of the Titans to bring ruin to those deemed enemies. But there are few that believe in coexistence, in hope for a better tomorrow, and there is one among them that walks a razor's edge to such a goal.

  • The Broken and Unbreakable

    Genre likely subject to change later on. As we understand that not all things are set in stone, what if what we thought was supposed to happen never does? And what we didn't expect to happen at all begins to happen a lot? No one shows up when they're supposed to, events don't turn out like they're meant to, and the unknown may turn into the new normal for those that can't take it.

  • Hope from the Future

    When Shinji comes to, he finds himself in a place he knows shouldn't exist, and being destroyed by a creature that shouldn't exist. But does exist, and finds people being hurt by the devastation, so he fights for less than selfish reasons, to save the people. Will he find a way back to his world or will he have to survive in this new one? He has become a ronin in many ways.

  • Hope from the Past

    Eons ago, in a time before time, when human beings lived like gods, they created a species that became their undoing. To save their world, they created a being that would eradicate them no matter where they were, but were too late to save themselves. Now, years after a calamity, the ancient enemy has returned...along with some new ones.

  • Walk Away

    Connects to Rise, Sasha, Rise. Grisha receives a disturbing vision of what is to come, and fights against it in favor of a different future possibility. To move forward, one must move in a different direction, and to change the future, one must have the will to defy what will be, shattering the stone of which a future is carved in, undoing that future and carving another one down.

  • You're not worthy to be heroes

    As nothing more than a comedy, these five were never taken serious by anyone. But when a mysterious man stresses that they don't deserve to be recognized as heroes, they are given a chance to earn that status by saving a world on the brink of destruction by a being not all that different from themselves. But can they shape up into their roles? Or will they pay for their silliness?

  • Rise, Sasha, Rise

    Shot because of the desire for justice and vengeance, left clinging to life because of the pain and suffering that had been inflicted upon people not so different from them, and then, like a miracle, returning from the brink of departure. But when people die, even for just a little while, a second or a minute, do they lose a part of themselves to the afterlife? Enter Sasha Blouse.

  • The Boy, the Beast and the Instincts

    The first ever cross between Evangelion and KI, and I'm the first one to write it down. Just examine it for what it is right now and review or PM me on what you think will happen when I get back to it later. Peace! Now includes an omake!

  • Attack on Titan: Yin and Yang

    The Attack Titan and Founding Titan, both opposing sides of order and control. When Grisha turns Eren into a Titan to give him the two Titans he possessed, something unexpected happens. Now, there are two with the power, but only one can rise above the other for everyone. But which one? One represents order, the other chaos. Light and darkness, hope and despair. You must decide!

  • Evangelion Magisword!

    Set in the aftermath of the Twelfth Angel incident, nobody at NERV expected Shinji to be alive, until a call from a former competitor against NERV came and revealed that he was with them, and when he returns from his sojourn experiences, he brings back with him a potential means to change everything. Swords that aren't swords, objects that aren't just objects, and beyond powerful.