Crystal Spinning

  • The Patronus and the Penumbra

    [Hogwarts Mystery AU] [Postwar] [Charlie Weasley/Jacob's Sibling] After a pyrrhic victory has left wizarding society in shambles, Charlie is reunited with an old friend of the family. He had always promised to make her an official Weasley, after all.

  • Blunt, Candid Love

    AU. ShikaTema/Ino. She was the best damned friend either of them ever had, and she knew it too.

  • Wholly Incomplete

    AU. He did not need her, but oh, how he so desperately wanted her back.

  • Foreboding

    AU, pre-Program. Yuka Nakagawa and Tadakatsu Hatagami have been friends for years when a dream shakes both of them from placidity to fear. But it was only a nightmare, right?

  • Kunoichi Blossom

    [Gradual AU] [Tenten-centric] Legends are not born - they become. This is the story of Uzumaki Tenten.

  • Seeing You

    Rose/Doctor. She never really left. He couldn't stay away.

  • It's Always Sunny In Konoha

    Postwar AU. Sasuke Uchiha returns to Konoha, expecting to be lauded a hero... and instead is thrown in jail, assigned a babysitter, and expected to work minimum wage under three of Konoha's favorite chuunin. Listed in ascending order of horror. KakaIru, Izumo/Kotetsu and Sasuke/his ego.

  • The Bechdel Test

    'As everyone stared, she gave an ironic smile. "That's right, my dedicated colleagues. The Maze Trials have gone co-ed."' When a single, key variable is changed in a last moment whim of the Creators', the future of the trials - and the subjects - are permanently altered... for better or for worse. Eventual pairing.

  • The Matriarch

    [AU] After the death of Senju Hashirama, a new Hokage rises among ashes to carry on the will of fire, while a demon rages within her and tragedy haunts her. And so the history of Konoha is altered forever.

  • Between the Lines

    [Pony/Jill and Mark-centric] Forget-Me-Not Valley is a place of healing, a place of remembrance, and a place to grow. Perhaps, most importantly, it can be a stepping stone.

  • Unrequited Inadequacy

    Postwar. She never left behind those feelings. She never stopped regretting it.

  • The Before and Afters

    AU. They were freed from their collars, but liberty was still elusive. When survival becomes questionable, all they have is one another.