Lori von Loco

  • The Beasts

    What you don't know really can kill you. Mordecai and Rigby find that out the hard way. Morby, human AU.

  • Travel Plans

    "She leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms, enjoying the warmth in her chest and the way Gansey held her stare with that pretty smile of his." Gansey invites Blue to go on a road trip with him and the boys.

  • Second Impressions

    Mordecai runs into someone he never thought he'd see again…and it turns out to be really, really awkward. Mentioned Mordeson, human AU.

  • House of Mirrors

    When his ghostly associates fail to capture the notorious Danny Phantom, Walker realizes that what he needs is a little help from a human, instead.

  • Denny's Diner

    The interstate whisked them out of Colorado, far, far away from po-dunk South Park. From home.

  • The Artist's Daughter

    This couldn't be happening. She had been too eager, too obvious… She'd mapped out such a careful plan, and this woman before her had caught her in the act. "I'm doing it for the good of the people," she tried to explain, only to be answered with a flat, "I don't care about that." 1920s AU.

  • Playing Pretend

    Lindsay smelled like salt water and expensive, citrusy perfume—this innocuous detail was grating on the same issue that had been bothering Heather for weeks now. She kept noticing things, and every little detail was filed away, labeled as important information that she would certainly recall later for no reason at all.

  • Hair Dye

    Zoey and Duncan have their first dispute.

  • Billet-doux

    A very interesting love letter arrives at the Fenton household, which Danny and his friends decide to read.

  • You're So Dark

    They stared at each other for a solid ten seconds before Pete sighed and snuffed out his third cigarette of the hour in the pricey glass ashtray before him. "You got a car, Makowski?"

  • Snollygoster

    Three days of Sherlock moping around the flat was enough to make any person snap, and John was never one to prolong the inevitable.

  • Cabin Talk

    What Noah did was definitely done on purpose; the only accident that occurred was that he got caught in the act—of braiding hair, of all the things in the world for Alejandro to find him doing.

  • Death for a Dime

    He remembered debilitating, seemingly incurable boredom. He remembered the hectic descent into drug abuse. He did not remember why there was blood on the carpet, or why the sight of it made him feel so empty.

  • Arabella

    "Amethyst, on the other hand, saw time tick by with amazing clarity, as if each second were a grain of sand in an hourglass sitting before her. She imagined that she was counting down the time they had left to be together as friends." In which a thousand years of pent-up romantic frustration creates a very delicate situation in Beach City.

  • Dynamics

    "Ronan was a Raven Boy and, like Gansey and Adam and Noah, he was undoubtedly her friend." Blue and Ronan have a brief conversation. Mentions of Adam/Ronan and Blue/Gansey.

  • Killer Kerosene

    Suddenly he was sure he'd been over-thinking the whole thing, spurring an uncommon sense of relief to take some of the stress off his lungs. He was okay. This was okay.

  • Rumor Mill

    Like many things in the screwed-up life of Craig Tucker, the black eye he sported that Monday at school began with a whisper.