The Critic of FanFiction

  • Keeping the Ed

    Reverend Eddy's new scam might just prove to pay out, but not in the way he thinks... Now will he be able to undo all the things he did before he had this change? Crappy summary, as usual, but the story is worth reading. R&R.

  • The Miracle of Sherry Barr

    Sherry Barr is the daughter of a football coach and prom queen, but she has an intelligence that nobody on the block can top. Only when a mysterious neighbor arrives does Sherry get a lesson in history, but will it be a blessing or a curse? R&R Some OOC, but not much...let's just say, growing up changes people.

  • Metal Plates and Hooked Hands

    Robert and Tinker Sawyer were both Vietnam soldiers, serving in the heat of war, in which they became closer than blood. And after they are left damaged, they find love in the Hippie generation. Summary might suck, but story will be better.