
  • Walk By Shredded Faith

    "If I didn't know you were a man, I'd say you were pregnant." They had laughed about it then, but the longer it went on the more he thought about it. The more he thought about it the more he worried. Something happen the night deatheaters invaded Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy stumbled upon those repercussions and life was never the same. M-preg, slash, AU.

  • Evans

    Something different happens on that Halloween night in 1981. Baby Harry is thrown back in time where he grows up with no knowledge of who he is…or who he should have been. Regardless, he is now Hadrian Evans, a boy unlike any other and who stirs the attention and curiosity of one Tom Riddle. But is a prophecy made in the future still in effect if the participants are in the past?

  • Sacris

    James Potter made a mistake which resulted in a consequence that Sirius Black chose to be responsible for. When that consequence meets the girl-who-lived, sparks will fly…in more ways than one. But can that flame continue even when the truth is revealed. fem!Harry/oc,