
  • The Last Hope

    She is the only hope, the last hope that they survive its journey. Miniel, daughter of Thranduil is engaged to Elladan, son of Lord Elrond but when she joins the Fellowship she begins getting feelings for Aragorn. She is not supposed to like a human especially since she is already engaged but she can't seem to get him out of her mind, but what happens when Thranduil finds out?

  • A Broken Promise

    What is it like to love someone who holds you prisoner? Nellie has always lived her life helping her mother and three brothers. She has never really experienced anything past a forest where she spends most of her time. One day while sitting in the forest an unexpected man walks up to her. She has an idea of who the man could be but doubts that it was him. When Nellie wakes up she

  • Entwined

    What if the elven King asks you to marry him? Would you accept even if it meant that you are practically his slave? Aranel was tired of being trapped in the same walls. After accepting a proposal from Thranduil she is exposed to a different world she did not know she was going to be a part of. She witnesses his hidden kindess and sorrow, only to remember that she is just a puppet.

  • Embrace

    (Sequel to Entwined) Aranel and Thranduil finally had their daughter Maratheil, which they thought would mean happy ever after. After the news that they had a daughter spreads, tensions start to rise. Since their marriage was not approved from the start Galadriel seeks compensation through Maratheil, trying to take her and use the magic she possesses to fight the darkness.

  • A Flaming Rose

    Anya wants to discover herself before finding anything else, including love. She joins the dwarves on their quest but once they enter Mirkwood, not only must they face spiders but a flame from the past reappears. Anya has a past with the elven king and although she left him, seeing him sparks the feelings she thought she left behind. Can she handle the pressure or fall under it?