

  • The Gathering Storm

    This isn't a story about taking down the bad guy. It isn't even a story about saving the day or getting the girl. This is a story about survival and two men who can only hope to be rescued before time runs out. Multi-Chapter fic, lots of whump... You know... my usual :) NOW COMPLETE!

  • Letters From the Dead

    Sam's words cut him deep and in the confusion and anger of their aftermath, Dean flees. He thinks some time apart might do them some good. How very wrong he turns out to be. Multi-chapter casefic with lots of hurt!dean in later chapters. Rated T for some language and violence. Goes slightly AU after The Purge. NOW COMPLETE!

  • Every Second Tuesday

    Every second Tuesday of every second month Rodney McKay disappears to the mainland for hours at a time. One Tuesday John decides to follow.

  • Bullets, Plural

    "The passageway he folds in is dark. The only light to be seen is the lazy muted white the flashlight at the end of his P90 throws off from its place on the floor near his feet - the place where it landed after he body checked McKay out of the way." Unabashed Sheppard Whump. A one-shot rated T for some language.

  • In the Quiet Space Before the Dawn

    An injured Dean shows up at Sam's house at Stanford. Angst ensues.

  • The Silent Language of Grief

    20 years after the Wraith decimated Earth, the SGC is once again ready to resume the Atlantis Expedition. There's only one man for the job, only John Sheppard has been MIA since the end of the War. A slip-up reveals John's current location, but will he be able to forgive the ultimate betrayal and return? AU. See inside for warnings. *NOW COMPLETE*

  • An NCIS Carol

    In honor of Christmas and one of the most beloved Christmas stories every written, I humbly present for your enjoyment: An NCIS Carol. It's exactly what you are expecting it to be. *NOW COMPLETE*

  • Blackness Always Wins

    A collection of very short scenes that started with something I wrote after watching that whopper of a season finale for the umpteenth time.

  • There But For the Grace

    ...There are no reports of firefights or lapses in judgment from the Marines that stream through her office, just accounts of John being in the wrong place at the wrong time... Shep whump, Elizabeth's POV. Shep/Weir overtones but nothing implicitly implied.

  • She Put Him There

    Dark dreams send Kensi to Deek's apartment. What she finds there shatters her world. Just a quick something I wrote before Season 5 stared airing. Warning: Character Death, Depiction of Suicide, dark so please heed the warnings. One-shot.