I Am Blind Justice

  • Anchor Me Home

    Death is free, much like Life. It is ever-present, omniscient and eternal. But sometimes there are anomalies. Glitches that create storms and waves, shattering the paths of what is and what could be. So when Death is manifested into a singular form, all that's left to do is hold onto the boat and watch as the storm rocks everything at its core.

  • Brother Mine

    He had always wanted a little brother. From the days when his aunt and uncle made him sleep in a cupboard, to re-transforming into an omniscient force, to passing his first initiation test as an official Frost Giant. It was just too bad his baby brother had to be abducted by some old Asgardian fart.

  • The Final Countdown

    Bruce Banner didn't expect to meet an Englishman in Brazil talking to a 8 foot python. Nor did Harry Potter ever expect to meet an angry giant rage monster. And neither of them expected to be saving the world as the Hulk or a giant black magical panther. Some may call it fate and others destiny. But they just call each other, friends. Updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays!