
  • Cop Car

    This little story was inspired by Keith Urban's song Cop Car (hence the title). It's an AU Modern story in which Mary, her ladies and Francis are in high school and Sebastian is in college. Also Mary's parents are both alive. I borrowed heavily from some of Torrance's interviews to create a modern Bash. I own neither the song nor Reign. I hope you enjoy it. Please read and review.

  • Mind Games

    Medical School AU in which Killian and Emma must deal with their mutual feelings in uncomfortably close quarters.

  • Hooked

    Captain Swan AU - Emma and Killian meet in a bar and he struggles to win her trust and respect. (I tried to fix the summary, but it still sucks... Suggestions appreciated.) I have rated the whole story M, but I intend to set it up so that those are separate chapters that can be avoided if so desired. M rated chapter numbers: 2, 6, 12, minor parts of 13, 18

  • Bastards All

    Lola finds herself facing some tough situations and making some hard decisions due to her unplanned pregnancy. Who will be there for her? And who will not?