Silver Ecstasy

  • Contrasts

    One is tired from his routine, looking for an escape, lost in his narrow world, the other is lively, full of hopes and desires, and.. looking for a muse. What happens when the moon meets the sun? Will they learn from each other or just hurt each other? They say opposites attract each other. But in the end, are they really that different? Vaati x Link, modern AU, probably lemon.

  • Just Once

    The students are left alone in class with the Leaper, and you know what happens next. However, Ryuuji is not pleased with the event's outcome... And he is determined to sort it out. Hints of hints of boy x boy. Oneshot. Can be requested to be continued.

  • Always Gold

    Link's best friend, Vaati, is at the hospital and doesn't have much time left. Link will do anything to ease his last moments and make him happy, but when Vaati has a strange request, will Link accept? And will he even come to terms with something he had been too blind to see? Follow the story of two friends who have nothing left to lose but each other. Link x Vaati.