
  • Soulbound

    Clint, Tasha & Phil had always had a rather unique relationship both at work & outside of work. But after Phil was vicious ripped from their lives, Clint & Tasha still miss him almost a year later. And they feel his lose especially on their first Valentines Day without him. Coulson/Tasha/Clint threesome.

  • Balm for the Fear

    Taking a few liberties with time but set after Heir to the Demon. On a rainy Valentines night Oliver finds himself outside Felicity's window seeking a place to escape his fear. He finds that escape & claims Felicity as his own. Some sexual hints.

  • 4 Times Rocket Learned Something New

    And one time Rocket taught his friends. Rocket is clearly not used to social situations. So some things that people do often are lost on him. Or he takes them the wrong way because of his past. T for safety. Mild language, mentions of torture, death & general insanity. Additional warnings per chapter.

  • Losing Sleep For a Friend

    Peter wakes up in the middle of the night after hearing Rocket yelling & can't get back to sleep until he knows that Rocket is okay. Instead of Peter finding Rocket, Rocket finds Peter. Hints of Rocket's past, Pocket Bromance, slight language. Tiny spoiler if you haven't seen the movie.

  • Normal & Unique Are Just Matters of Opinion

    Clint Barton has disappeared for the past four months since the Tesseract Incident which does not amuse either Fury or Hill. When his tracker comes back on Natasha is sent to retrieve him. And the Avenger's lives are gonna get a little bit weirder when they realize that the archer has a few tricks in his quiver. Surprises in later chapters.

  • Everyone Needs a Guardian

    Quill told Rhomann Dey he would look after his team. So when one of them is harmed on a mission, Quill does not let it slide. In the aftermath, he is willing to do whatever he can to aid his teammate's recovery. Team as a family with lots of Pocket fluff. Blood, language, past torture & death. T for now

  • One Big Happy Dysfunctional Family

    Sequel to "Nowhere to Go & Nobody to Be" There's a family gathering at Tony's place in Cabo. Clint's home from hunting Hydra agents. Sam's a little unsure about if he should be here. And Tony is... Tony. T for booze, language, smoking, mentions of "sexy time" & general insanity. Slight spoilers for CA:WS. No slash, just brotherly moments. Jane & Pepper appear too

  • True Love Doesn't Die

    Herc Hansen believes his wife died in 2014 during the attack by Scissure on Sydney. Chuck Hansen blames his father for the loss of his mother. But when a woman called Anita with no memory of her past sees a report about Striker & the Hansen's win against Mutavore, she begins to remember things that don't make sense. Formerly: "Wait, she's alive?" Movie spoilers

  • Rocket's Toy Box

    The guardian's do up a "toy box" full of spare parts, wires & other odds/ends for Rocket. Rocket in turn uses those things to help his team. Family, Groot growing up, some language, drinking, talk of killing people & general chaos. Few referances out to other shows/movies.

  • Even Guardians Are Afraid of Being Alone

    They are centuries old & they almost lost each other because Pitch made children stop believing in them. So now Bunny can't stand the thought of not telling Tooth how he feels. Post RoTG movie. Super fluffy SweetTooth