

  • I'm surrounded (by idiots)

    Iwatobi gay swimmers see a disturbing photo on facebook. It all goes downhill from there. (basically Rin/almost everyone)

  • Because I don't want to see (your pathetic crying face)

    Tsukishima never expected to get his hand slapped away by Yamaguchi. or The one in which Tsukki has unexpected problems with his companion and finally starts understanding. (This is slash, TsukiYama. Get away haters.)

  • The Wicked Prince

    Elsa visits the Southern Isles. Guess who she meets there. Trouble awaits these two, while they have to struggle with something they are both pretty bad at - feelings.

  • Forgotten Sorrow

    Are we the same persons if we forget our feelings? The fic known as 'Forgotten, really'. Drarry.