

  • The Battle Under the Trees

    It had begun with a distant tremor in the Earth. Then the breathless messengers arrived from the East Bight.'Smoke in the South,' they panted, weariness and fear on their faces. More messengers came. 'It is not smoke but dust, lord. From legions of iron-shod feet spilling from Dol Guldûr like plague.' Thranduil fights for his folk, his land, for his life.

  • Seven Stars and Seven Stones

    It is the beginning of the Fourth Age and the Golden Age of Gondor. It should be the time of Peace and plenty, except there are bonfires on the Barrow Downs and strange happenings on Amon Sûl. Rumours of tall strangers in Bree and Merry has disappeared. The Three Hunters are called upon once again to track down a missing Hobbit. Chapter 17: MAGLOR

  • Through a Glass Darkly

    In the aftermath of Legolas' poisoning in Phellanthir, Glorfindel and Erestor travel to discover its deep secret. Now they return to Imladris where the Fellowship are about to leave, but Elrohir finds the dark lust return in his heart. WARNING: Slash Legolas/Elrohir, Legolas /OCs

  • Finding his way through moonlight

    Glorfindel dreams of the siege of Barad-dûr, and Thranduil. Warning: Slash.