Hero's Chanson

  • Thy Will Be Done

    The man blocked his way. "Not so fast," he said. The suspicion had vanished from his tone, replaced by curiosity. He looked Lovino up and down, and his attention pricked at Lovino's skin through his clothes. He never wished for his robes more than in that moment. "Who are you?" Assassin's Creed AU. 3 chapters. Explicit sexual content.

  • Office Hours, Tuesday

    Lance did this all the way to the end of the list, where he landed on a blank screen. Well, not blank exactly. It was blacked out with the name "K. Kogane" in white text across it. Lance blinked at it. He'd never seen that name before. - Or, Lance finds something else to focus on during class. 3 chapters. College AU, they/them pronouns for Pidge.

  • Classic Lit Series

    He placed a hand, the same that had been stroking the Lord's hair, atop Bakura's but made no effort to remove it. "I was chosen for you." He infused the words with most sincerity he could muster, willing his eyes to convey earnestness. "I can help." [Anthology based on various classic stories.]

  • Prank Wars!

    What begins as an innocent April Fools Day prank soon spirals out of control into a mischievous volley of outrageous pranks. Neither Seto nor Joey backs down, and Mokuba and Serenity are caught in the middle.

  • The Pity Party

    "Roy was right about something: it had made Dick happy. Saccharinely so. When they were done, he joined the audience in laughter and looked at Jason with those stupid sparkling blue eyes. If Jason were completely honest with himself, it was that look he had wanted to avoid that night. He hated that look." Companion to "The Seventy-Third"!