Queen of Debate

  • Lyra Black: The Prisoner's Daughter

    Lyra Black hasn't known her father's identity in her eleven years of life, but that revelation seems inevitable as she enters Hogwarts in 1993. Her life turns upside down when the truth is discovered and she realizes her life will never be the same again. Collab with my lovely friend WildernessGirl. We don't own anything, unfortunately. Everybody but Lyra belongs to Jo.

  • The Snape Girl

    When Artemisia Snape dies suddenly, Severus Snape, her estranged brother, must take in his niece. Despite her uncle's protectiveness, Cordelia Snape struggles to balance her ambition, a dark calling, and love as she attends Hogwarts in the same year as the Golden Trio.

  • Stomach Flu

    He wasn't supposed to be there. Slughorn's party was supposed to be her break from him. James brought a date to the party, and Lily's pretty miffed, though she can't figure out why. Intended as a one-shot, but may be continued. No flames. Rated T for language.

  • Ivy Evans

    Ivy Evans is the twin sister of Lily Evans, best friend of Amelia Bones, and godmother of Harry Potter. What could go wrong? Follow Ivy's life from her first encounter with Severus Snape all the way up to her death. Discontinued. I don't own anything