
  • The Lost Children: Ananias

    Anna's future son. He lives to serve, since he's long accepted the fact that he's not talented enough to do much of anything else, unless you count manual labor and his ability to keep his cool in most situations. Apparently the Anna philosophy of "customer satisfaction" runs deep within his veins. Is the best listener in the entire army. These are his Paralogues and Supports.

  • Chrom's Wyvern Lesson

    Chrom asks Camilla to teach him how to ride a wyvern. Seeing their chemistry, Lissa and Elise decide to set their older siblings up on a little date. High jinks ensue. One-shot. Takes place during their time in Aytolis (Fire Emblem Warriors).

  • Dudley's Reunion

    Dudley and Harry happen to bump into each other for the first time in years. What will transpire from their meeting? Spiritual sequel/successor to Vernon's Vow.

  • A Debt Repaid

    Life at the W Academy is hectic enough, especially without one's own personal problems being added to the mix, and with life hitting them as hard as it did now, Vietnam and Ukraine could definitely use a break. But with whom? It's lonely to always take a break by yourself after all. Could Ukraine accidentally wrecking Vietnam's motorcycle be a sign?

  • Vernon's Vow

    Vernon contemplates on his family's current situation and whether or not they were truly safe harboring a boy that had just been the target for a freakish, bloodthirsty, murderous, and deranged cult that they can't do anything about if they were to ever burst through their front door and demand for. One-shot.

  • Completely Hopeless

    A little late to the party, Bisca and Alzack are finally informed of Gray and Juvia's little incident at the Great Banquet and are a bit concerned, not by how much has changed, but by how LITTLE has changed. Worried about the potential future consequences of this development, they decide to get to the bottom of things before making their move to help their love-challenged friends.