Cryptographic DeLurk

  • Tidal Pools

    Yuugi drew a grid of the tidal pool and counted the specimens in each quadrant. Not everything is the pinnacle of a tower. [Dark Side of Dimensions Compliant. Seto/Yuugi.]

  • In Unity

    "Is it strange to pity them? Arlathan, the Black City, Bownammar. Dragons risen to godhood, then perished, like Paragons to the Stone." Sigrun/Velanna.

  • Where Home Isn't

    Merrill hasn't left the tenements in the alienage since she was exiled to Kirkwall. Marian Hawke strives to show her just how wonderful the city can be. F!Hawke/Merrill.

  • Ice Box

    Queen Anora Mac Tir invites Empress Celene Valmont to her lodge estate in Ferelden's coastal mountain range, while they settle the latest international incident between their respective nations. Neither expect the negotiations to take such a frigid turn. Anora/Celene.

  • Your Every Word, A Euphony

    Fenris asks for Justice's company while choosing a gift. Fenris/Justice. Anders/Fenris/Justice.

  • Chains for the Living, Prayers for the Dead

    At strange hours, she would go and stand next to the Qunari prisoner and listen to his foreign mantra, nearly the same as hers: "Her name was Aveline Vallen, only daughter of Benoit du Lac. She was a soldier in the King's Army. Her husband Wesley Vallen would be coming to meet her in Lothering." Or a story in which the Blight brings all the wrong people far too close together.

  • Case Closed

    Aveline does crime cover up. [Aveline/Isabela/Merrill. Ft. Carta Scout Bethany.]

  • Summerday Braid, or Funny Enough

    Oghren and his rage demon would rather be back down in the Deep Roads fighting Darkspawn, but on this Summerday they struggle instead with child support, depression, Warden cliquishness, beard maintenance, and a poorly advised rebound. Oghren/Stroud.

  • Turpentine, or Good Enough

    Don't drink the Brandy. We got it from a shady Orlesian trader and I think it might really be turpentine. Oghren-centric.

  • Brand New

    With the Exalted March approaching Kirkwall, Merrill negotiates a place that she and the Eluvian can stay safe, and comes to learn some intimate things about Warden Commander Tabris in the process. Merrill/F!Tabris.

  • Only our Thoughts, and an Invitation for Parfait

    Makoto gulped and held the lunches tighter to his chest. He had patterned the pickled vegetables on the rice to look like dolphins, and had cut the sausages to resemble octopuses. A fem!Haru story.

  • As Simple as Ordering Take-Away and Transfiguring Cubes of Sugar

    Lisa Turpin, Blaise Zabini, and Tracey Davis put together a rescue project during 7th year to save 'undesirable' students. Harry, Ron, and Hermione watch the fallout.

  • Built Out of Whole Cloth

    She's insensitive and completely psycho, but he wishes he could join her there, if only for a moment. Any relationship you have in a cellar isn't exactly transplantable upon re-entry into society. Draco/Luna. 8th year fic. Plus as much Pansy as I can manage to fit in.