Queen Punk

  • Weaverbird's Spilt Wine

    Internal battles are always worse than they seem.

  • Memories

    The Soul Society had picked itself up after the war with the Quincy Blood War, as it had come to be known as. Many Soul Reapers had moved on, became stronger and wiser through their struggles, and now were living the warless life they had earned. There was more at stake now than back then.( Many,many pairings.)

  • Annoyances

    Lin stared a her little sister a few minutes. "Su, you couldn't cook for yourself or anyone else even if an assassin had a knife at your throat."

  • Shoujo

    Kiyone was content to love her Captain from afar. That is until a couple of crazy matchmaking hellcats decide to intervene.

  • Just One Question

    Lin reached up and batted at her mother's cheek with a chubby-fingered little hand, uncomfortably sticky and clammy, the small girl pressed on stubbornly," Who's my and Su's daddy?"