
  • World Cup Fever

    {Complete} Anna, Elsa, Jack and Edmund (Bunny) are all gathered to watch a match in the World Cup, and the lines have been drawn! Who is cheering for who, and who is disappointed in the end? And does Jack really understand what is going on with football? Wait, no soccer. No, FOOTBALL!

  • Siren's Overture

    {Complete} Mermaid Mythology. Abigail Monroe led a hard life, doing her best to please her family as first a jeweler's daughter, and then wife but when her husband's sudden death leaves her penniless and with no family to turn to, she decides to take drastic measures to try and change her life. Little does she know that those decisions will lead her to the biggest change of all.

  • The Prince and Me

    Modern AU. Elsa is an American college student studying at the University of Minnesota, and doing her best to care for her sister and grandfather. They don't have much, but they do the best with what they have. Enter Jack, a rather petulant Crown Prince attempting to escape some responsibilities with trying to study a semester abroad. Has this Prince met finally met his match?

  • Friday Night Iftar

    {Complete} Modern AU. Anna and her friend, Myriam, get together every Friday Night for dinner and a movie ever since they roomed together in college. The routine changes a little bit for a couple weeks in the summertime for Myriam's religious obversation of Ramadan, but Anna is more than willing to spend Iftar (breaking of fast) with her; a nice Friday night with two friends.

  • Iced Renaissance

    With he and Jack's eventful trip to Arendelle over, Jamie keeps in touch with the outgoing, headstrong and beautiful Princess Emma as he returns to Pennsylvania. He's in for a long and wild journey as their relationship grows with haughty relatives, an ocean between them and private security to deal with, it certainly won't be an ordinary courtship. Image: asavioury (tumblr)

  • Freefalling

    Jack, a professional skier, finds himself given a couple of days off from his training due to a training exercise and manages to meet Elsa, a college student at a local bookstore. He convinces her to go out with him, not being entirely truthful about his identity in the process, which quickly leads him into hot water. Can he manage to turn things around, or is he out of his element

  • Hellhounds

    Heavy AU. What if the Man in the Moon wasn't the kind and benevolent being that kindly watches the Earth? What if, instead, he was a demon? And the Guardians his faithful, (contracted) workers. They live together, each working happily in the modern world. But what happens when a routine job the Hounds are given, turns out to be anything but routine?

  • Contrast

    {Complete} A story written for ANY ship. AU fic. In a world of black and grey, everyone is searching for their one perfect soul mate. When found, a whole new world opens up to them in this Utopian society in the form of vivid color and deep, pure love. It's the perfect life, knowing that you have your perfect half with you.

  • Heating Up

    {Complete} Modern AU. Elsa wakes up early one weekend morning, to a spring storm and all of the covers being stolen away from her in the night. Deciding that she wasn't going to get warmed up on her own, she decides to get a little devious in getting Jack to help her stave off the morning chill. Rated for suggestive language Image: DiamondBeautyInk (DA)

  • Torment

    {Complete} When two sisters get together, the possibility for devious things always arises. But when Jack is working and Elsa is spending the day at home preparing and packing for a trip abroad, Anna comes up with a tempting idea involved Jack's favorite sweatshirt and his wife wearing it. Will this work out well for Elsa, or will Jack be mad for taking his lucky sweatshirt?

  • Everlasting Heliotrope

    {Complete} Modern AU Fic. Jack and Elsa are in a car crash, and Jack is hurt pretty severely, causing him to be sedated while he recovers from his injuries. While Elsa waits at his bedside, remembering and recounting their first meeting and their courtship, Jack dreams of a wild adventure with winter powers, Guardians and talking Snowmen. Image: Alexvauzz (Tumblr)

  • Miscued

    {Complete} Modern AU one-shot. An Actress and a Make-up artist working together for months on the set, each devoted to their work and talent to make the movie a success, decide to have drinks together one Friday night after a long day on the sound stage and find out a thing or two about each other. Will it be success, or disaster?

  • Say Something

    {Complete} Elsa awakes from a bad dream, remembering a terrible car accident she and Jack were both in, and takes a few moments to gain her composure and spend a few heartfelt moments with her beloved husband. Alternate/Modern Universe setting. Image: Firefishes (tumblr).

  • Kiss and Tell

    {Complete} One-shot, Modern/Alternate AU. A little mis-communication between close friends leads to a little brooding, moping and misunderstanding later on when some Friday night plans get interrupted between Jack and Elsa. However, based on the outcome, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to have afterall...