
  • Hope for the Best

    Castiel is the mate of one of the most powerful men in the United States, which definitely has its ups, but unfortunately has its downs as well. The main one being that people were constantly trying to use him in order to get things from Dean. Luckily for Cas his Alpha just won't stand for that.

  • The Garden and the Bumble Bee

    This was ridiculous, Neil Perry was calm, cool, and collected at all times. He was charming, and level headed, and definitely did not swoon over pretty boys that were shy to a point of near physical pain for them and everyone around them. M for brief language.

  • Sounds Like Paradise

    But it feels simple/ feels like enough/ feels like forever./ They are but youths/ and the world is their oyster/ and they have nothing but time.

  • You Already Know the Ending

    In a world of Watchers, Pushers, and Movers, anyone could be watching your next step, could be getting inside your head, could be manipulating your world. Is it really a surprise then that there are some who wish to harness this power and use it for their own personal gain? Still, with these powers come people, and where Bucky Barnes is concerned, a whole lot of resilience. Push!AU

  • Fault Lines

    The hunter can't help but take note of how small Cas seems now, curled up against him, unobtrusive and unintimidating. It's a far cry from how the angel was when he first met him, busting in the old barn in the biggest power display he'd yet to see. Dean had really caused him to fall so, so far.