
  • Angel

    What if Sophia was found by two teens? What would happen then? I had this idea floating around that wouldn't leave. AU!

  • Affair

    In 03X02 "In Name and Blood" when the Hotchner household gets a call on the landline and after Hotch answers it, Hailey's cell phone immediately rings, what if Hailey was having an affair. Hotch finds out and is not happy at all and Hailey made an enemy out of the entire BAU. Not for Hailey fans! The argument at the beginning is not going to be completely accurate.

  • Death's Mess Up

    What if Destiny realized that there was a mess up with people dying?

  • A Different Yule Ball

    Summary: Yule Ball AU! What if Hermione realized that the boys were helpless when it came to finding dates for the Yule Ball and decided to help? What if she enlisted some other girls in her plan? Ron/Millicent, Harry/Luna, Fred/Hermione, Neville/Ginny, Seamus/Lavender, Dean/Parvati, Viktor/? (I haven't fully decided on that one yet.). Pansy Bashing! I haven't fully decided on Drac

  • Family Reunion-REWRITE

    REWRITE of my story Family Reunion Hermione is 23 years old and is engaged to Draco Malfoy. Her mother is making her go to the family reunion, she hopes she can survive it without snapping and she still needs to tell her family about her engagement. This is going to be an interesting reunion.

  • Class Reunion

    It's four years after the battle and Harry has just been invited to his primary school reunion. His classmates are in for a surprise when they see him. Characters may be a bit OOC Rated T cause I'm paranoid

  • Fear

    Rachel tries to break up with Finn. Finn bashing. Puckleberry eventually

  • Angry Bellas

    After Semi-Finals Becca snaps when Aubrey starts to berate her see what happens one-shot sorry it's so short

  • Surprise!

    Mitchie is getting a surprise, even if she didn't know about it! Smitchie Naitlyn

  • Not Anymore

    Nina is tired of Joy always making fun of her and she stands up for herself

  • Wife Swap Cullen vs Jeffersons

    Cullens go on wife swap rated T for the cullens

  • Perfect

    The guys notice that the girls and Kurt are being bullied for different reasons so they decided to try and cheer them up. One-shot

  • Not Goodbye After All

    Gabriella gets her Stanford letter and has to leave what happens is this goodbye? One-Shot Troyella

  • Guilt

    AU: Between GOF and OOTP Percy and Harry get into a fight and Harry reveals some secrets. *contains self harm* triggers! Rated T because Harry loses his temper. Better summary inside.

  • What If?

    What if Sue Sylvester didn't see them sing To Sir With Love? What if Glee really had been cancelled? What would have happened the next year and over the summer? Would they have stayed friends? Or like Mercedes said would not talk to the others? Here is this story. Rated T for Puck's mouth

  • Secrets

    What if Austin and Sam were dating and only a few knew about it? AU.

  • Sorry

    Harry and Ginny right after the Final Battle in DH.

  • I'm Here

    What if Rachel and Matt were dating before she started Glee? Berryford, Quick, Brittana, Tike, Samcedes, Klaine, minor Fuinn. Anderberry siblings! minor Finn bashing don't like don't read sorry. Changed to T for Santana's mouth

  • Scars

    A three-shot about the Golden Trio and their scars. I hope y'all like it. Rated T for a few choice words

  • Paul Did What?

    Bella went to confront Jacob and gets a surprise instead Paul/Bella