Lady Anatui

  • And This Will Be Untitled

    JL. In Muggle Studies, the students must write poems based off famous Muggle writers and recite them anonymously. When a certain poem catches Lily’s eye, she wants to find out who wrote it, but she’s having a bit of trouble.

  • Catch Me

    JL. James then stood up, looked her straight in the eyes, and said, “Fine. You win. I won’t bother you anymore.” His eyes icy, he stormed out of the Great Hall. Lily, still shocked, sat down.

  • Dirty Words

    Dramione. I just hope the nurse can find some asinine thing that's wrong so she can fix it. I don't want to connecting Granger with the word 'attractive'. She should only be connected with dirty words.

  • Just One Kiss

    JPLE. I wish I could help you, Lily. I wish I could completely take away your pain. I wish that just one kiss could make everything okay. I wish that just one kiss could show you how much I love you… and how much there is to make you happy.

  • Mirror Image

    Remus centric. He had become a monster. Once a month, a monster. He couldn't bear to look at himself anymore.

  • What They Call Loneliness

    In his third year at Hogwarts, James still has no real friends and the girl of his dreams never sends him a single glance. Can one detention change it all?

  • Lucky Stars

    JPLE, SBLE, JPOC. Slight AU. We know the story of Lily and James, but what if that didn't happen? What if they went their separate ways and loved other people? Would they ever be able to make up for the moments they lost or go back to change it all?

  • Chronicles of Betrayal

    RLEV, SBOC. At the end of the First War, the death of Katerina Watson leads to an investigation and a series of events that could uncover the truth about the downfall of the Marauders.

  • Dark Son

    SiriusOCSnape. Rhiannon Bishop is an intelligent Ravenclaw, but is she smart enough to find a way out of Sirius Black and Severus Snape's rivalry? Very doubtful.

  • Redheads Are ICKY!

    I, James Sirius Potter, am tired of hearing about how my father and grandfathers all married redheads and how I will, too. Not to mention the fact that redheads are just plain icky.

  • A Welcome Arrow

    SB/OC. After six years of being invisible to the opposite sex (and her own), Zigger Montclair is finally getting the attention she's craved, along with a new perspective on cliques, pranks, and her best mates.

  • Crash

    Coming into a new relationship with Tonks, Remus Lupin looks back on his past relationships and mistakes. songfic to "Introduction to a Broken Heart" by Prozzak

  • Stray Cat

    Dramione. PreDH. He was a stray cat, lost and alone. But some stray cats can't hold themselves up. They can't be alone.

  • Still Too Tired to Care

    Exhausted from putting up with his parents and brother and their need to uphold the family honor, Sirius Black contemplates his options and what would happen to Regulus if he left the Black family house for good. Inspired by "Zzyzx Rd" by Stone Sour.

  • Using Me As A Muse

    Chox. Friendship is very difficult when it has to occur predominantly over the telephone. A lot has changed since Neil's death, but no one more so than Charlie, who appears to have cut himself off from the world, including women. Knox to the rescue!

  • Reasons to be Missed

    James-centric. Let's face facts here: I was never as perfect as everyone thought I was, and I'm pretty sure that more people hated than liked me. Big head, right? Well, it's gone, but I'm still not sure if I could ever be the person Evans wants me to be.

  • Dark Days

    SBOC, JPLE. Emmy Lewis has disappeared, and her case is under the watchful eye of Detective Sarah Stevenson, but also of Aurors Sirius Black, James Potter, and their superior Alastor Moody.

  • 6 Months in St Mungo's

    KatieLee. Katie wakes up in St. Mungo's and the end of the school year is near. The last thing she remembers is going into the ladies' at the Three Broomsticks and nothing after. But where is Lee?