• Not far from the Tree

    Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say. It's easy to excuse mistrust towards the daughter of two imprisoned Death Eaters, especially on the year of Azkaban breakout. But everyone needs friends, and isn't isolation a straight path to Dark Side? Sequel to All the Sweetness of the World.

  • Santa Claus comes at night

    It was childish to try and catch Santa Claus in act. Tempting, but childish. And since Ted Tonks was about to turn eleven years old, he was far too big for this.

  • Jeśli gwiazdkę z nieba chcesz

    Drabble. Rudolf Lestrange wspomina kołysankę, którą często słyszał w dzieciństwie. Reupload.

  • A week's bet

    Post-Rocketear. Adrien has time to think over his position in the Miraculous team, and has pretty grim realizations. There is only so long he can hold on, but for Plagg's sake, he agrees to withhold his final plan for a week. CW: depression with all consequences. Catharsis fic.

  • All the sweetness of the world

    ...is trapped in this one little body. If only Bellatrix knew she was pregnant, she would never get caught and sent to Azkaban. But it's too late, and her baby lives with other relatives. Reupload of my old story.

  • I would do anything for love

    The Lestranges are a married couple for good several years and Rodolphus wants to have a child already. However, Bellatrix is reluctant. One-shot.

  • Twinkle, twinkle, little star

    Drabble. Rodolphus Lestrange reminds himself of a lullaby he would often hear in his early childhood.

  • Master of the Elder Wand

    Even if it was true that you must kill the previous owner to become Master of the Elder Wand, Voldemort still wouldn't become him. Drabble.

  • Tanderdalu saga

    Do Hogwartu przybywają, na razie pojedynczo, uczniowie szkoły o wdzięcznym skrócie MUŁ, co oznacza Magiczny Uniwersytet Łańcucki. Jak zmienią losy Hogwartu? Co pierwsza z nich ma wspólnego z niebezpiecznym zbiegiem z Azkabanu? Zakończone.

  • Tanderdalu Saga 2

    Druga część popularnego yhm, yhm fika "Tanderdalu Saga". Jak w Hogwarcie namiesza drugie z dzieci Regulusa? Co szczególnego jest w tegorocznej zerówce MUŁ-a? Jak funkcjonuje jabłonkowska szkoła Czarodziców? Zakończone.

  • Forbidden

    She is almost an auror. He is a Death Eater. Their love is forbidden. Can they still be happy? LuciusxOC.

  • Nature vs Nurture

    Late August 1982, a baby girl is born in Azkaban. She is placed with her closest relatives. Is blood really thicker than water? Will Andromeda truly replace Bellatrix in the girl's life? Read to find out!

  • Prison company

    Sirius had a thought that could not be sucked out, but what could keep Bellatrix at least slightly sane in Azkaban? Read to find out what my idea is.

  • Więzienne towarzystwo

    Fanfik eksperymentalny. Syriusz miał coś, czego mógł się trzymać w Azkabanie i dzięki temu nie zwariował - ale co utrzymało Bellatrix przy jako-tako przytomnym umyśle? Zawiera odniesienia, które mogą być niezrozumiane przez ludzi nieczytających lektur.

  • Twoje święto

    Miniaturka okolicznościowa. Tonks próbuje wprowadzić pewną tradycję do Zakonu Feniksa.

  • Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day, while celebrated by Death Eaters, doesn't need to contain killing muggles. One-shot.

  • Walentynki

    Wbrew pozorom, u Śmierciożerców Walentynki wcale nie muszą polegać na zabijaniu mugoli. One-shot.

  • Research on love

    Healer Anastasia Widespread had always dreamed to do some research on a victim of a dementor's kiss, but once she got such a chance, she wished she had never had such a dream. COMPLETE NOW!

  • Rebus

    Piątkowy wieczór. Severus Snape sprawdza wypracowania. Nie spodziewa się, że znajdzie tam coś, co wywoła szczery uśmiech na jego twarzy. DYPTYK!

  • Lekcja eliksirów

    Drabble! Podczas pewnej lekcji eliksirów, Severus Snape próbuje wytłumaczyć uczniom, dlaczego eliksiry reagują tak, a nie inaczej. Odtrutka na lekturę szkolną.