
  • The Awakening of Power

    It started with a bite. A bite that forever changed the lives of twins, Sydney and Scott McCall. Now, they have to figure out what happened to them, why Derek Hale returned, and what the hell was going on in their town, all while juggling with the everyday struggle of being a teenager. 1st in The Power of the McCall Twins Series. Scott/Allison; Stiles/OC; Lydia/Jackson

  • Just Press Play

    Maya, a third year Googler, loves her job and her brother, Lyle. She doesn't, however, love her creep of a boss nor does she love the intern program. Especially after Lyle tells her about the two charity cases. She just knows that this is going to blow up in his face as a first year manager, but she wasn't expecting to actually like his team, especially not Stuart Twombly.

  • Launch

    It was his duty, his job to protect him, and yet this boy, only a year younger than him, a soldier, saved him. In which, Jimmy saves Matt's life during a Skitter attack and the after affects has him gaining a perspective on a boy, who he doesn't like, but really knows nothing about. Beginnings of Ben/Jimmy friendship; Vague Hal/Lourdes