

  • Functioning on Autopilot

    An episode based fic from The Zanzabar Marketplace job. This is a Nate/Eliot story. Basically it is parts added to that episode involving Nate and Eliot and a bit of Parker. Sterling is not portrayed in a good manner in this. There is an implication of a past assault to Nate by Sterling, but nothing explicit.

  • Flabbergasted

    Juliette and Nick have a fight. Nick ends up at Monroe's. Nick breaks down and Monroe must rebuild him. They both make discoveries along the way. Nick/Monroe slash, Nick/Juliette, abuse, hints at past abuse, insecure Nick. Ch. 2 Up! Nick breaks down. Wu is awesome. Ch. 3 up now-It's long, Child abuse references, MPREG-1st time for me. Lots of angst! ON HIATUS!