Silent Kill Z

  • A Kiss To Remember Me 2: After Years Of Sadness

    After years of sadness, Finn and Mercury are finally reunited! Finn also finds out she had his child. Oh, how great for them but, its not over yet. It seems that the fight between Flame Princess and Mercury has a huge impact on their children. They have created a destiny for one of her kids and someone else. What will Finn do to prevent this fate from messing up his family?

  • The Guy In Chains

    If you were homeless and didn't have anywhere to go and someone, a stranger, offered you a place to live and that place to live was there own home, would you take the offer? Would you live with someone you don't know? Would you risk your safety? You don't know them or anything about them. Could you really risk it? Lesson here: Don't talk nor go home with a stranger. RATED M (YAOI)

  • Cold Hearted Love

    Jack and Tooth shouldn't be together? The gang has choosen a new guardian: Cupid! She declares Jack her true love and someone Tooth's. Jack falls for Cupid and Tooth is jealous. Tooth brings back Pitch Black to get rid of Cupid, but instead he changes her. Whats going to happen?

  • 4ever Remembered

    Nikki has a twin sister? And she already knows Jude? How? It seems they are best friends, but by the way they act around each other do you think they were more? If they were and got back together how would everyone react? What is the history they have together? So many questions to be answered! *Discontinued due to lack of reviews*

  • The Difference Between You And Her

    Nigel Uno has broken up with Lizzy and has met a girl who has more in common with him than he thinks. Lizzy isn't taking things so good and wants revenge. She is teaming up with teenagers which might put everyone in danger. *Discontinued due to lack of courage*

  • Jealously on the Battlefeild

    Ash has fallen for a girl who seems to be his counterpart. Iris is jealous of this and is trying to change his mind. But little does Ash know, his lover has a boyfriend and her boyfriend is his rival! *Discontinued due to lack of reviews*