Hermione Jean McGonagall

  • A Meeting with You

    Minerva/Constance (not related to any MM/ or H.B./ pairings.) Wrote because of a request by Tumblr user Kiwi-Cackles. Minerva McGonagall is meeting her friend from another magical school. It took me only three days to write :D

  • Something from Idgie and Ruth's life

    Drabbles on keywords on Live Journal community 10iloveyou First drabble on a word 'trust', second on a word 'true'. FGT OTP is Idgie/Ruth AU femslash.

  • More than Affection

    Based on The Deathly Hallows, ch. 30 when Harry felt affection towards Professor McGonagall. In fact, it is a witch from Gryffindor who feels affection towards her Head of the House (not only one time). Maybe "affection" is not enough to describe her feelings?

  • Just One Glance

    Imogen Drill and her glance at H.B. from the episode S2E10 Up in the Air. [Details are inside.] What happened next? It's partly based on the books, so Imogen is a witch and the plot not follows the TV Series partly. [You can read The Best Witch also; here are some references to that fic.] PG-13 and partly R, femslash. This fan-fiction is for Dreamsinlilac.

  • Revenge and Love

    OTPprompts on Tumblr 'Imagine person A being frustrated at work all day long by person B and once they got home, person A drags person B to the bedroom for a little "revenge"'. Based on the books and a bit of TV, so Imogen is a Claire Porter's witch. R, Femslash.

  • The Best Witch

    Imogen Drill's years at Cackle's Academy until the time when she had become a teacher. Prequel to the books with a bit from TV Series. Portrayed by Claire Porter. Thanks Ixi3 for the idea. [M but 95% is from G to PG-13]

  • I Missed My Class

    What happened after The Worst Witch Saves the Day (5 TWW book)? Mildred with help of her friends Maud and Enid saved the school from Agatha Cackle and Co, but what happened after this? And how H.B. is going to live with her broken broomstick? The Potions teacher has other problem too. There has a beautiful woman who helped H.B. when she had problems... Femslash obviously.

  • More Than Professor

    AU to epilogue. Hermione becomes Professor of Transfiguration. Her friendship with Minerva becomes very strong and even more... Now rated R Femslash

  • Jane Honey and Matilda Wormwood

    Minerva McGonagall is Jane Honey and Hermione Granger is Matilda Wormwood from Roald Dahl's Matilda is not it? What can happen if some events from 'Matilda' will happen with Minerva and Hermione? Femslash

  • С первого дня и навсегда

    Что будет, если первокурсница с первого дня не равнодушна к заместителю директора? Romance/Friendship/Family FEMSLASH

  • Songs of Magical World

    Summary in the title. Songs-alteration about different characters.

  • Вдвоём с тобой 2 вариант

    Война близится к концу, но никто не знал об этом. Минерва и Гермиона боялись, что могут погибнуть в битве, так и не сказав друг другу самое главное. И тогда одна из них делает то, на что не решилась бы в мирное время. Femslash. Please reviews.

  • The Story About One Muggle

    Thanks for it pairing minerva fan on LJ - here is DebbieB. Петуния Дурсли размышляет о прошлом и настоящем. Неожиданно она встречает одну прекрасную ведьму... FEMSLASH

  • Тигрёнок Тим

    Может ли один старый магловский журнал изменить жизнь двух ведьм? PS 'Тигрёнок Тим' - журнал в книге Спарк 'Расцвет мисс Джин Броди' AU Femslash

  • Седьмое чувство

    Что такое седьмое чувство? Все знают о нём, но никто так не называет. Отношения между Минервой МакГонагалл и её студенткой Роландой Хуч в итоге превратились в седьмое чувство.

  • Вдвоём с тобой

    Война близится к концу, но никто не знал об этом. ОНИ боялись, что могут погибнуть в битве, так и не сказав друг другу самое главное. И тогда одна из них делает то, на что не решилась бы в мирное время. Some Jean Brodie. Femslash.

  • Why do we together?

    The Jule 1998 year. Hermione's PoV. Why do Minerva and Hermione together? Femslash. Romance/Friendship/Family

  • Universal Day of Kisses

    Wrote in honour of Universal Day of Kisses. I was beginning writhing in that day June 6. What can happend in it holiday between Minerva/Hermione? Oneshot Femslash

  • Счастье, если только на мгновение

    ПЕРЕВОД 'Happy, If Only for a Moment' by EverTheDreamer. Простые объятия Минервы и её возлюбленной превращаются в серьезный разговор.

  • Letter had received on Muggle post

    Harry Potter had received a letter from J. K. Rowling. Harry Potter/Jo Rowling TRANSLATE from Russian.