Fade Maybe

  • The Reclamation

    Through ONI's manipulation, the UNSC stumbles upon a Mass Relay and is dragged into a new war. They'll discover the battered races of the Citadel, the political intrigue of its factions, and a second group of humans governed by the Systems Alliance, divided by Cerberus, and lead by Commander Shepard. Yet no one can stop what is to come: the Reclamation, and the death of the galaxy.

  • The Reclamation has already begun (other failed retry)

    If your'e still following this...might want to reconsider. I'm updating the other story now (the original reclamation has begun). So, this one is pretty much dead. But the original is still alive and better than ever!... which isn't say much. In any event, just go follow and favorite the original and not this one.

  • Warriors among the Reclaimers

    Humanity has been pushed inside the walls of Maria, Rose, and Sina. In the wake of chaos birthed the United Nations Security Corps, able to charter the ability to breed their soldiers to sacrifice everything in order to protect Humanity and to enforce Cole Protocol. But how much do they have to sacrifice until it becomes pointless? How much is enough in order for the Reclamation?