

  • One Benefit to Detention

    high school AU Slumped in her usual chair in the corner, hood up, Sarah watches in surprise as Cosima Niehaus quietly enters detention.

  • Late Night Encounter

    A late night encounter between Beca and Aubrey.

  • Rule 2

    "I thought we agreed no more secrets," Alison replies, crossing her arms and glaring at them. "It's rule number two."

  • Rather Difficult

    "Are you trying to sleep with everyone's monitor?" Alison questions. "Is Donnie next?"

  • Much Better Suited

    high school AU "My family works for your family. I don't want to deal with the fall out when I eventually screw up this relationship."

  • Maybe This Time

    Sarah's not ready to admit her feelings for Cosima, but then an unexpected visitor gives her an ultimatum. (implied Sarah/Cosima)

  • Influences

    AU Beca looks up to her older sister Sarah and her girlfriend Cosima, wanting to emulate them both.

  • Better Than Expected

    Cosima may have gone to Vegas with one goal in mind, but she left with something much better. (Sara/Felicity & Sarah/Cosima/Delphine)

  • Thunder and Lightning vs Orange Chicken and Zombies

    Ever since the Queen's Gambit, Sara's had a bit of a phobia about storms.

  • Keep Moving Forward

    Sarah might be a survivor, but Cosima is the strong one. 2x10 spoilers

  • A Distracting Fondness

    While Felicity tries to find some answers for an old friend, she also begins falling for Sara.

  • Disruptions in the Repeating Pattern

    As Cosima continues to try and find a cure, she and Sarah become even closer. When Delphine returns, how will she figure into the changed dynamic? (Sarah/Cosima, Cosima/Delphine, eventual Sarah/Cosima/Delphine)

  • Tendency to Explode

    high school AU, Follows One Benefit to Detention and Hiding Behind Science. When assigned to build a rocket powered by water, Cosima decides to use a different approach.

  • Kind of Perfect

    Aubrey is anxious and Beca can't figure out why.

  • Hiding Behind Science

    high school AU, sequel to One Benefit to Detention "Are you saying I couldn't wreak havoc?" Cosima asks.

  • Accidental Declaration

    The one time that Aubrey has to skip Bellas rehearsal is the one time that something happens.

  • Honor Among Thieves

    Not trusting Santana Lopez doesn't mean that Veronica is going to turn down being owed a favor by one of McKinley's elite.

  • Rumors and Pining Mixed With Science and a Thousand Dollars

    high school AU "New rule. Laurel can date Tommy. As long as Sara has a date as well," their dad announces.

  • Worth Defending

    "If you break Felicity's heart," Oliver says. "I will kick your ass."

  • Five Business Days

    Chloe decides that it's time for Beca to tell Aubrey how she feels.