

  • Don't Let The Past Mess Up The Present

    It was a peaceful in Jump City and it seems that nothing could go wrong. Or so they thought. What happens when some of the Titans past visit them again. Story is actually better than the summary :D Please read and review :D

  • Maybe Someday

    "Do you believe in reincarnation because maybe someday… we'll see each other again…not as Kid Flash and Robin but as different people… and then we can continue our love… for each other…" Slightly AU at the second half and in the first half, they don't know each other's identity.

  • A New Face in the Crowd

    Wally could not ask for more when he was offered a full time scholarship in a prestigious school. He couldn't wait to experience new stuff. New friends, new teachers, new classmates and a lot more but is experiencing new emotions and having attraction to new people part of what he asked for in his new life. AU and the story is better than the summary (: