

  • Some Things Will Always Keep Having Happened

    I startle awake not knowing where I am, knowing only the excruciating pain rushing over me and taking my breath, I can feel the teasing cold edge of the blades before they break my skin, I can feel the bones in my wrists crack in their shackles - but then strong arms hold me close, someone is holding me close, pressing me against his chest, and he won't let me fall, and I'm safe.

  • How to Drown a Seadweller

    ED was gorgeous when he struggled. And right now, he was struggling, desperate and helpless against the fingers of his kismesis digging into his larynx. His cheeks were flushed a deliciously undignified blotchy violet, and Sollux couldn't help but find that absolutely hateful.

  • My Love Should Be Heard And Not Seen

    Cecil Palmer is the best phone sex operator in the small company called Night Vale. One night, a slightly tipsy and very lonely scientist dials his number, and gets far more than he bargained for - a late night conversation about advanced biochemistry, a brand new fetish for surreal horror, a surprisingly reasonable internship program, some newts, and the slowest, strangest love o

  • A Foreign Sky Protected Me

    Kirill walks away. What does he leave behind, and what is he walking towards?

  • Never Again

    Standing on that beach in Cuba, watching missiles bear down on soldiers of East and West united in fear of the unknown – it may be the first time Charles Xavier ever feels truly lost. 'Erik. Erik, they are terrified.'

  • We Can Work It Out

    A portrait of the five protagonists of Takin' Over The Asylum from the point of view of outsiders: a record shop customer, a taxi driver, a child, a student of electrical engineering and a tabby cat.