Caprica Janeway

  • The Lord is testing me

    Jack turns up on Andy's doorstep annoyed, and looking for Sharon. A character piece to answer the question of how the two characters know each other and where their "friendship" stands today. Set shortly after Sharon's divorce with some references to a possible Sharon/Andy pairing.

  • Turning the page

    With the divorce now finalized Sharon is left to contemplate what Jack has left behind. (Sharon/Andy). Special thanks to Ilona for the encouragement :)

  • Fly me to the moon

    As Rusty tries to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up, Sharon and Andy contemplate a similar dilemma - a follow up to Turning the Page. Character piece for all 3 characters plus Sharon/Andy.

  • The Feint

    A little backstory for the character Emma Rios told over five different time periods. Written as part of the Halfamoon Female Characters In Fandom Challenge (Day 1 Prompt: Origins and Beginnings). It can be viewed as a prequel to 'How do I solve a problem like Rios'.

  • An unacceptable pattern of behaviour

    The storm that is Jack Raydor, as only a wife could remember. (Inspired by Internal Affairs, 3x17)

  • How do I solve a problem like Rios?

    Since taking over the prosecution of Philip Stroh, Emma finds herself having to answer questions concerning her behaviour to a less than amused Andrea Hobbs. Set during the episode 'All In' (2x14).

  • The radical notion of happiness

    After the events of 'Acting Out', Sharon considers the advice of a treasured aunt and the promise in an unopened letter. (character piece for Sharon with reference to the Sharon/Andy pairing, and a little of Rusty as well).